. Most Of You Will Ask This.

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How you know he exist?
I know He exist because, I noticed the difference between not having God on our hearts and having Him on our hearts, If you have Him, you'll feel free, happy, gratefully, everything that makes you sad is gone, and if it's not gone you just gotta read the Bible, bend on your knees and pray alone with Christian music on and say to God every single bad thing you've made, said, or saw and then you'll feel free, you just don't need to say that to God, say what your heart feels.
And if you are on the world, you'l be full of sadness, fear, loneliness and worry.
What miracle God made that you see with your eyes?
Once there was a man with a longer arm than the other, a pastor,that God uses, went to our church and said
"come here everyone that has an illness" then the man came, he closed the eyes and got faith on his heart and then his smaller arm started to grow and grow until it was the same length as the other arm. I cried when I saw that.
How do you pray?
First: Enter Into His gates with thanksgiving. Psalms 100:4.
You got to say in what you are thanked, if you are thanked because of your new dog you got to say that you are thanked because of the new dog He gaved you.
Second: Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unreachable thing you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3.
You need to say what you want, but need to be on God's will, you always gotta say it like this:
Dear lord could you give me a new house for my family that is in need... That God's will happen.
Third: Amen.
Say Amen every time you finish a prayer, it means 'so be it'
God will ever let me behind?
No. He cant let you behind or forget that you exist, but if God gave you a gift and you don't use it for His purpose, He can take your gift off. (like if God gave you the gift to sing,if you can sing, sing for Him, praise Him with what He gave you or then the voice will be off or something bad will happen)
Can I see Him?
Yes you can, but if you saw His face you can die, but no worries you will go to heaven! And on heaven you can breath under water! And talk to your great-grandma and you'll look younger! Also you can fly there! That's amazing! You can also take trips to heaven!
Can I talk to Him?
Yes! You can! Alive or not you can talk to Him, but the ones that went to hell can't talk nor see him, they'll have torture for eternity, but if it's just a trip to hell then you can talk to him.
What's hell?
Hell is the worst place on life! If you don't give your live to Christ your future won't be cool, it will be torture all the days and there will be worms inside your skin eating your flesh and absorbing your blood, and when you are on hell you will not die, you will feel how the demons stab you and chop your parts off and when someone dies and goes to hell, there's no coming back, just if the person dies for a trip.
What's heaven?
Heaven? Heaven is the most wonderful place on life! You can breath UNDER water, see your family and friends that died and went to heaven, you'll live on mansions, you'll fly, you'll see your creator and father, your see angels, you can even be with lions play, talk, sing and also you can hear the plant sing, and one of the most exciting things is that you'll see the first people on earth, Adam and Eve! You'll be so happy there!
Is it bad to use Gods name on Bain?
Is bad, but some people don't care and forget the ten commandments.
You can name a child Jesús?
NO! Maybe some people make it by mistake, but I don't recommend it. You can name it every other name of the Bible, but Jesús. Never Lucifer, Jhetsabel.
Is it bad to sing other songs that arent Christian?
Yes! It's bad cause it's like singing to Satan/Lucifer.
Like you sing Christian song, you sing to God, If you sing non-Christian song, you sing to Satan.

May the Lord bless you! I will make more questions.
God loves you!

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