.You Will Ask This. 2

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What's a trip to hell?
Well it's not bad, sometimes God makes trip to hell for repentance, others because God wants to say something to the one that he took.
Like God took a man to hell, but the man is not Christian and he is dying, God maybe did it because He has a propose on earth with the man. God took a pastor to hell, the pastor is obviously Cristian and he is not dying, he is sleeping, God took him to hell maybe because God wants him to finish a mission on earth.
What is a trip to heaven?
The most amazing trip a human could have, it's sometimes cause God want to tell you something, or it's because God want to show you the place.
What's a demon?
Demons are helpers of Satan they all has something on mind, and it is to make our lives miserable and full of fear.
But no worries cause who's stronger? God or Satan? That's so obvious, God.
What's an angel?
Angels are the opposite of what a demon is.
There are many types of angels, you can see their faces. One type of angels is the messenger, he will come down from heaven and tell you what God want to tell you. There are protector angels, they protect us and they won't let any devil to touch us.
You Catholic?
I'm not catholic, I'm Christian.
What's a bible?
The word of God. The bible is like a live manual, there it says what you can do and what you can't do.
How does I know if I'm going to heaven or to hell?
No one knows. Just pray everyday and give your life to Christ.
When God is coming?
At His perfect time. In other ways to say it, when He wants.
Is it good to sin and then repentance?
Yeah it's good,not to make the sin but the repentance it's good, but if you the same sin everyday at every time and then you go to God and ask for forgiveness, He will forgive you well just if God wants to.For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remains the no more sacrifices for sins. Hebrews 10:26.
If you know that you are sining and you do it that's a sin.

May the Lord bless you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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