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Silver. Red. Silver. Red. It was always the same thing. There was always one that was believed to be better than the other. To settle the dispute, both sides fight a senseless war. The same rebellion. The same fight for control. The same.

[at least, that was what you thought to make yourself feel better]

Being a Red with Silver abilities was never a pleasant thing to be. She would never be equals with another. She would never be able to fit in. She would never be accepted.

[of course, who would ever accept someone like you?]

The Reds would look down on her, speak about her in hushed whispers, say that she didn't know enough of what they went through, that she wasn't human enough to know. The Silvers would look down on her because she wasn't perfect enough, wasn't beautiful enough, wasn't cold enough, wasn't immortal enough.

[enough enough enough enough - ]

It was all she ever thought about. All that ever flitted through her brain. All that she ever thought of on her own. Fortunately for her, she found someone who felt the same way. Unfortunately, he could never love her back.

[he was hiding something]

Sometimes he smelled of fire.

[he was warm]

Sometimes he smelled of pine.

[he was kind]

Oftentimes, he smelled a little bit of both.

[he will destroy you]

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