Chapter 001.

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It was a warmth she could never forget. It was the warmth of a crackling fireplace, burning brightly but not searing. It came from a smile, a whisper, or a touch, skin against skin. It came from familiarity, the same brown eyes and the same blonde hair, and the sense of belonging that came with it.

That was a long time ago. Yet it seemed like a dream that Adelaide couldn't shake herself awake from. She missed her family too much to do so. She missed the warmth of their touch, the love that resonated beneath the surface of their fingertips. Though their faces may blur with time, she won't allow herself to forget their warmth, their smiles, their gentle voices that spoke kind words.

Is that why the screaming sounded so familiar?

[you're watching them from a screen. they're being convicted, but for what you don't know]

She can almost feel herself struggling against the fabric of the restraints they put her in, whoever they are.

[you watch them as they plead, watching as your brother's head is lined up to the board]

She could almost hear him telling her stories of his hunts. His voice filled her ears, pulled from the depths of her memory, lilting as he strung a tale of the wilderness that surrounded them.

[the executioner states his name, Rowan Birchwood, and brings the axe down]

To her horror, Adelaide could hear the metal ripping through flesh, the squelch of blood as it splattered across the camera lens. She saw the lifeless brown eyes of her brother, once so full of life and laughter. She saw the others, mother, father, Wisteria, Linden, on their knees and unable to do anything, tears falling as they watched their loved one die. She could feel her own hot trail of tears as they ran down her face. She pleaded with her captor, begging them to let the others go with her voice straining against the confines of her throat, hoarse and scratchy.

[ice cold blue no warmth]

She doesn't think she's seen that blue anywhere before, but they felt so familiar, so comforting. They made her feel safe, as if she could just close her eyes and go to sleep, because no one would be there to hurt her. They made her feel like a child again, sitting in front of the fire, basking in the warmth of her family's laughter.

[no warmth]

When she opened her eyes, the sun was barely rising, the first of its light kissing the horizon, painting the inky sky a bright yellow wherever it touched. She blinked slowly, taking in the world of darkness surrounding her. Everyone else was still asleep, and rightfully so, for their work would not start for another hour or so. She raised her fingers to her cheeks, feeling the trails her tears left her. Sighing softly, she rubbed at her eyes, moving carefully to sit up on her bed. It was the same one she's been having for weeks. It was just a dream. It was only ever a dream.

[but was it really?]

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