Fifth Rain: Downpour

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It was late at night. Nathaniel was sitting at the Café's bar while Adam was on the other side, placing some glasses at the right places. He was drawing absentmindedly, lost in thoughts. His hand worked on its own as he stared blankly in front of him, at Adam.

They didn't really have anything special to say to each other, so they had let a comfortable silence install itself between them. Adam was usually very chatty, but something seemed to bother him... No, it wasn't exactly that... Nathaniel felt like something was making him uncomfortable. But what?

"Who is it?" finally asked Adam after a long moment of silence.

"What?" His friend's voice brought Nate back to reality.

"Who is it that you are drawing?" Adam continued, pointing the sketch he had done.

Nathaniel looked down to his sketchbook. A face smirked back at him. With short hair, the man teasingly stared right into the angel's eyes. Nate recognized instantly the one he had drawn. Whatever his appearance, he had always this smirk that always got him in trouble and the same eyes that seem to know everything.


He was in the vessel he had seen in his recent vision. The vision that haunted him to the point of appearing in his drawings by some kind of instinct. It probably was because he hadn't written it down properly.

"An old friend," answered softly Nathaniel. Adam gave a last glance to the sketch and returned to his glasses.

"Old?" he said while working. "He seems young. Do I know him?"

"No, you don't."

As he said those words, Nathaniel felt the atmosphere of the Café drastically change. As if a threat or a powerful entity had appeared. At the same time, his phone beeped.



The angel didn't think. He rose and launched himself over the counter, crouching down behind it. He ignored Adam's cry of surprise and lied his back on the wooden boards, the counter over him.

The Café's door's chime clinked when someone entered.

"Good evening," said Adam, letting Nathaniel hide while he concentrated on the new costumers.

"Hello," answered another voice that Nate didn't recognize. He heard footsteps approach the counter.

"What can I help you with?"

"Actually, I am searching for someone," answered the person. "One of my relatives, to be exact. I heard he may be in town, and would like to know if you could help me find him."

"Huh... yeah, sure...What does he look like?" Adam seemed hesitant.

"He would be about your age and height. Long black hair and dark eyes. Quite beautiful, to be honest. He also has quite the talent for writing. I believe he is known as Nathaniel these days."

Nathaniel froze when he heard those words. A shiver of fear ran down his spine. The person was talking about him. They were coming for him. They found him. What was he going to do? The minute Adam told the other about him, he-

"Sorry," said Adam emotionlessly, "I don't think I ever saw him."

Oh dear. Thank goodness. Adam was protecting him. He rested his head back on the counter, closing his eyes, hoping the person would trust his friend's lies.

"It's all right. Perhaps he doesn't like coffee," the person joked.

"Yeah. Maybe." Adam didn't laugh.

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