Chapter 18

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Avas POV
It was 4:00. We were leaving to my aunts house. I was sitting in the car with Blake in the back seat. Joey was with us to. Cameron was outside of the car answering a phone call. "This is the last time I'm going to be in this car." I said. Blake put his head on my shoulder. Joey looked at me and sighed. I slightly smiled and Cameron opened the door. Blake picked his head up and looked at Cameron. "Lets go!" Cameron said and he drove off. I still couldn't believe that I'm leaving California tomorrow. I wish I could stay here forever with Cameron, Blake, Joey. I don't want to leave! I felt like all these feelings inside of me just wanted to burst out. I knew leaving would be sad but I didn't know like this...

It took us 30 minutes to get to my aunts house, I open the car door and ran to the front door. I heard Blake call my name, I didn't listen the door was locked. I Circled around the house and I was in the backyard. I went under a tree that will had shade. I sat there, I heard how the quiet wind moved through the leaves. I then heard footsteps, then someone said next to me. I look over from i'm where my head was between my legs it was Cameron. "Hey I know this is difficult but you got to be strong" he said. I looked out at the palm tree and I saw I put my own head back on my legs. I thought Cameron him touch my back. I sighed and picked up my head. "I know it's just..." My words are choked up at the tears "...its just to leave! I don't want to leave you, aunt, Sierra, Brent, Joey and Blake." I said in the crying started to get worse. I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard him and stand up. He turned me around and hugged me. "I know, its going to be ok." He said, I calmed down. I broke the hug and nodded my head. I read the tear that was on my cheek away. And I hear more footsteps. I see Blake running. I walk over to him and he runs to me. "Are...are you ok!?" Blake said, he sounded really worried. I not in my head and hugged him. Then you hold held my hand and went inside. My aunt and my mom were not home. Cameron opened the door and I sat on the couch. Blake followed me and sat on the couch. "Are you OK?" He said whispering in my ear, I nodded and I went on my phone. I went on Snapchat and I saw some of my friends from my school were posting that school starts in a week. Joey was sitting at the dining room table and Cameron was sitting outside. I heard a car pull up and I looked out at the window. I saw my aunt come out of the driver seat and my mom. I stand up and open the front door. I walk to my mom and hug her. "Hey honey how are you?" He said I looked up at her and smiled. "Do we have to leave?" I said letting go of the hug. "I know it's difficult for you to leave but we have to" she said, I nodded and walked back in the house. I could hear her my and whispering about how they feel sorry for me. Like it done walking and I sat next to Cameron on the stairs. He looked up from his phone "hey" he said I looked at him and gave him a slight smile. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw that it was 6:02. I walked back inside the house and went to my room. I sat on the ground and packed my things. I took out a shirt and some pants for me to wear tomorrow. I then hear somebody walk in. It was my aunt. "Hey sweetie." She said sitting next to me. "Hi." I said. "I know its difficult leaving Cameron and especially Blake" she said. I held back the tears. I nodded and she hugged me. I hugged her back and she left. I finished packing.
Blake's POV
I walked in Ava's room and i saw her on the ground packing her things. She looked up at me and she stood up. "Hey! Dinners ready." I said smiling. She smiled and nodded and left the room. She sat at the table and o sat next to her. We ate dinner, It was nice to just sit all together and talk. After dinner i went into Cameron's room and me, Joey and Ava did a board cast. We talked about Ava and her leaving tomorrow and answered some questions they asked us. I checked my phone and it was 8:40. I was sitting on Cameron's bed, Joey was on a bean bag on his phone, Cameron was taking a shower and Ava was right next to me. She was looking at my phone with me. I turned on Cameron's tv he had in his room. Joey sat on the bed with us and we watched a movie. After 30 minutes in the movie Ava's mom comes in. "Hey Ava. You have to go to bed we have to wake up tomorrow morning." She said and closed the door. Ava pulled the blanket over her and I laid with her. We looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. I kissed her head and she fell asleep minutes later. I watched the movie with Cameron because Joey fell asleep. "Lets go to sleep." Cameron said. I nodded my head and Cameron left the room. I then looked at Ava and fell asleep...


ps. i love you// Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now