New Girl In Town

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Sky turned around in place. her eyes trying to take in the base. It was pretty dang good. Some teenagers made it? Stables, huts, weapons, and just so much more. 

"Sky, Ella. This is Dragons Edge. " Hiccup said with a smile. Both girls looked at him and nodded, small smiles of there own on their faces.

"Hiccup! You guys are back!" A female voice called. There was a thud, and a stunning dragon landed a little way away from the other riders, who where all getting off their dragons, and saddle bags off.

Sky's eyes got a little bigger when she saw the dragon. It was big, and cold looking. Sliver metallic scales and body. When it moved its wings a cutting sound would echo after. Like a knife or sword .

"Hey Heather." Hiccup said turning warmly to the women with black hair that jumped off. She had deep green eyes, and a white color to her skin. She was pale, but not like a creepy pale. Sky chuckled to her self when she thought that. 
She had on armor that told you Heather was a warrior. 

The woman looked at the riders, and then saw the new dragons. And the new riders standing by said dragons.
"Hey, who's this?" She asked looking at Sky and Ella. Hiccup half smiled .

 " That's Sky and Ella. Real cool. Sky's gonna show us how to ride in storms!" Tuffnut said, as Hiccup was taking a breath to tell the girl.
"Yes thanks Tuff.." He said growling a little.

"Ok, well Sky, Ella. this is Hea-"
" This is Heather. She's one of the best riders in battle." Fishlegs said cutting Hiccup off. "Yes, yes thank you Fishlegs." Heather's face got a little heated. Sky nodded her head and put a hand on Amp's head as he lowered it. A deep rumble in his chest that shook the dragon.

"Wow. you have a skirll?  Amazing. I thought they where hard to train?  And is that a bonenapper?" Heather asked walking closer and holding out a hand waiting for one of the dragons to come closer.

Tibia put her head up higher and let lose a small growl. Making Heather's dragon hiss. "Sorry. Tibia can be a bit shy at times with new people." Ella said looking at Heather.

"What breed is that dragon? I don' think I've ever seen one before." Sky said eyeing the monster of an animal behind Heather.
"Oh, this is Windsheer. She's a razor whip." Heather said, laughing a little as her dragon wrapped her in a neck hug.

"This is Amp." Sky said, as Heather still held her hand out for the male skirll. Sky nodded to Amp, and he moved closer letting Heather put a hand on his nose. Amp let out a small growl and then pulled away as a yelp, and a loud "Hookfang!" Came from the side. the skirll roared and flared up into a show of lighting bolts.

"Easy boy. easy!" Sky said, pushing Heather back when Amp's tail came crashing down. The skirll growled but Sky put her hands on his saddle straps.
"Its ok Amp! Nothings gonna happen!" She said, getting Amp relaxed.

The Skirll growled but put his head down. " I'm sorry!" Sky said helping Heather up from where she pushed her away. "Amps not really used to a lot of people.." Sky's blue green eyes glared over to Snotlout, who in turn was glaring at Hookfang. The twins where chuckling with a little evil look in their eyes. "It's ok. When i first came here Windsheer wouldn't let anyone by me." Heather said getting up. Both looked at Snotlout. 

Snotlout was a little red faced but fixed his horned helmet .
 Hiccup sighed  a little, as did Heather and Astrid. Fishlegs shook his head.
"What! It was the twins!! You saw that right!?" Snotlout said pointing at the twins. 

Sky sighed. She still had a hand on Amp. Her red hair was now some what floating about her, and standing on end as Amp was fully ready to lighting blast someone.  Her dragon was only was use to Tibia and Ella. Amp was just a little jumpy.
"Its fine. Amp's just not use to people. Really.."

Hiccup and the others some what nodded." Come on Sky, Ella. lets show you around the Edge." Fishlegs said nodded to the ramp that would take them down.

Sky nodded and waited for the others to go first. Amp was beside her.
the other riders dragons did come a long down the path with them.  The air was very heavy with the sent of salt and the waves.

The sun was  warm and the grass was soft under foot as Sky made her way from the gang plank to what looked like a training ring.

"This is the training arena. This is where we work on new skills, and new dragons." Hiccup said nodding to the flat zone with a small dome shape over head.

Sky and Ella nodded looking around a little. They then  got to see the other things of the Edge. The time ended with Sky and the others coming to what Hiccup called the Club house. It was where they got food, and had meetings.

"So, if you plan on staying for a couple days or so your gonna need a place to sleep. I'm sure we can make room for you." Hiccup said with a half smile.

Sky looked over at Ella and tipped her head a little. " I will be fine sleeping in the stables with Amp. He gets ..."

"All Amped up?" Tuffnut said going for a pun. "Ya.  Amp gets a little worried and some what Moody when he is in a new place. And with new dragons." Sky said this as she patted her dragons muzzle, winning a deep purr.

"You could always stay with one of the girls for the night?"  Fishlegs said. Ella shook her head as well. "We can sleep in the stables. That way the dragons can really rest. Besides, we don't plan on staying for to long." Sky looked over at Ella again.

Then down to the floor a little. Ya, stay for a little. Both girls had a quest of shorts. Find and heal. Take care of unwanted dragons, and heal them. Find out who they are.  Amp purred and bumped Sky, making her trip a little, and go forward.

Sky crashed into Ruffnut and in turn Ruffnut crashed into Tuff. the three went down into a heap and Sky chuckled. "Sorry. Amp does that some times." She said this as she picked her self up off the ground.

she held out a hand and helped Ruffnut up. Tuffnut looked to the left when a loud clucking came from behind some boxes. "Chicken! that's where you are!" The boy got up,and from behind the boxes a hen came out.

"you guys raise meat?" Sky asked, looking at the bird as Amp licked his chops.
"What! no! Chicken is a! A friend!" Tuffnut said pointing into the air as he held up a hand. Sky and Ella shared a lost look.

"Ok.." Ella said a little confused look on her face. Sky had the same face on as she moved to stand by Amp again. Her dragon cuffed  lightly, as Toothless moved closer to do an odd waddling purr.

" You sure you don't wanna stay with me? I can make room for one of you guys." Heather said with a some what nice but worried look.

"Ya, me and Stormfly can take in one more. " Astrid told the girls.
"Or if you want, you can both stay in my hut." Snotlout said, trying to pull of what Sky could only guess was his 'charm' . But it wasn't really working.

"Snotlout, how many times do I have to tell you. No one is going to be staying in your hut. ok? " Hiccup said crossing his arms. There was a "ok, ok just trying to be helpful.. gezz." From Snotlout who put his hands in the air. He back away a little more went Tibia and Amp growled deeply and lowered them selves. Showing they where ready they didn't like him being to close and flirty with their riders.

The girls put their hands up to the dragons,and both Amp and Tibia stopped. Sky again placed a hand on Amp nose. Her dragon stopped changing up and hummed a little . Snotlout, backed up to Hookfang and looked at Hiccup.

"What, no 'don't do that with your dragons'???!?" He asked waving his hands at Amp and Tibia.
"What, you where getting a little close for Amps liking." Sky said with a small snort as she crossed her arms a little. One red eyebrow was raised.

" I like them. Can they stay longer?" Astrid joked ."Ha Ha HA. Very funny Astrid!" Snotlout growled.

"Hey, lets all settle down. We need to get things ready for the night. Fishlegs Heather. You two need to do a once around the island. Astrid get the girls stuff with Ruffnut. Make sure there's room for their dragons. Tuff, Snotlout.. you two are on Dinner..don't mess it up this time." Hiccup said some what barking the orders at the two boys who where sighing loudly.

As every one went off to do their own things, Hiccup going to make sure the base was safe on a north end, Sky and Ella walked behind Astrid and Ruffnut . Amp was close behind his rider. The Skirll would bump into Sky and make her walk faster. 

"Amp, stop that." Sky said, shooing his muzzle away. Astrid chuckled at the two. " Looks like you two are close." She said, dropping back to walk with Sky. Ea, Ruff, and Tibia all moved ahead. 
Sky nodded smiling and patting her dragon playfully. "Very. Amps like my best friend. I don't know what i would do with out him." She laughed. Astrid chuckled and nodded to Amp. 

"Can i?" Sky nodded her head. "Sure, but watch out. Moody dragons." The rider warned.  Amp let the other girl put a hand on his wing but that was it.

As they walked Sky snorted. "Is it me, Or is Snotlout-"
"flirting with you? Oh ya. Don't worry to much. He's a flirt. " The blond laughed .Sky chuckled. "Well then."

They soon got to the stables and showed Ella and Sky where the dragons could stay. "Your sure you don't wanna stay in a hut? The stables can be pretty cold."  Astird said, helping to Unpack the saddle bags.

"No, really. Its ok. If i go any where with out Amp he'll burn this place down looking for me. Besides Me and Amp aren't fans of being in to close of huts. " Sky said laughing and putting her hands on her dragons face.  " T is pretty greedy with people love. So i better stay to." Ella said rubbing the skull on her dragon's face. 

Ruffnut and Astrid looked and each other and shrugged. "As long as your all fine." Ruff said nodding. 
After getting settled in the girls all made their way back to the Club house for diner. There they found a large mess.  Smoke bellowed out of the doors and windows. Dragon cries came from inside. 

Going in the four girls,and two dragons, found a large thing of mutton burning over the fire. Snotlout and Tuffnut where both trying to put out the fire and still cook the other part of dinner.

"What in Thor's name is going on  in here?!" Hiccup yelled walking in to see the mess and putting his hands on his hips. Toothless let out a small growl at his riders side and sneezed at the smoke. 

"Uh, nothing! Just cooking!" Tuffnut yelled over Hookfang, who was roaring and trying to put out the smoke with his wings. Hiccup rolled his eyes with a small "Gods." And nodded to Toothless who flapped his wings and got the smoke out. 

Once the smoke was out everyone could see again. Ruffnut let out a cough and Astrid sighed. "Great, Looks like Heather will Have to cook when she gets back."

"Hey! It's still fine see! Here Hookfang." Snotlout said picking up a leg of mutton and pushing it to his dragon. The large red dragon hissed and slapped the leg away with his tail. 

"Oh you know its bad when the dragon don't want it." Sky snorted past a chuckle. Ella giggled and nodded her head. "Its way to burnt to save." 

Heather and Fishlegs soon got back and the black haired girl made dinner rather fast. 
The riders and new girls all sat around the middle fire in the Club house eating and talking.

Sky and Ella sat with their backs to their dragons and watched as Tuffnut and Ruffnut both told the story of how the riders all battled a large dragon called a Deathsong. 

"So wait, you guys stopped it from attacking you by singing?" Ella asked as she chucked some meat over to her Bonenapper.

"Sounds like my kind of fight." Sky laughed elbowing her friend who laughed. "It wasn't as fun as it sounded." Astrid said with a smile. "I still can't sleep over it sometimes. I mean Ruff's voice was just..bad. Sorry sis." Tuffnut said with a shudder. 

"Wait, so you must sing huh?" Heather asked from her spot by Fishlegs. Ella shock her head. "Not me, i hate it. But Sky..."
"Lets just say Ella gets a one woman show a lot when we fly." The red head laughed. 
Amp looked up at his owners laughing and snorted out hot air. 
"Oh hush, you like it." His rider joked rubbing her dragons nose lovingly. 

Some hours later, after everyone was in their huts, Sky lay on Amps back. Her eyes looked up at the roof of the stable as she sat there. Her dragon was also not asleep. Not to far off the snores of Ella and her own dragon could be heard. 

Try as she may Sky couldn't sleep well. She couldn't even close her eyes without her brain jumping to life. Sighing and Rolling over in the saddle Sky patted Amps neck. 

"You up boy?" A large rumble and a sigh. "Ya, i can't sleep too. So...what do you say we go out and...Look around?" The girl asked. Again she wanted to see what this new island had. It wasn't the same in the daylight, but with a full moon that night the world would be so amazing. 

Amp didn't have to be asked twice, as he got up and walked over to the door. It opened without a sound and the pair slipped out of the stable and into the night sky once more. 

Amp didn't even give Sky time to hook her self into the leg straps she had in the saddle. The girl had made them so when they did spins and rolls she wouldn't be bucked off. 

With a little laugh, the girl watched as the stable got smaller and they got higher. Then they flew over the island and dived down. Picking up speed Amp did a roll and turned him self around a couple of times.

Laughing loudly Sky pulled her self close to her bonded dragon an felt the wind ripped by. Slowing down as Amp opened his wings the pair floated on air as they soared over the island trees and moved inland.  

After about an hour of flying around Amp landed close to a small pool of water to get a drink. Sky sighed as she un-hooked her self and jumped off her dragon's back to kneel by the waters edge and splash some on her face. The cold yet refreshing feeling of the water washed over her Sky sighed.

"Its nice here Amp, Dare I say that." She said leaning on her dragons side. Amp,who was taking a long drink of water, huffed a little. "I know, i know. Moving a little fast. But, it really is nice here. The island is great. Lots of room to fly for us, and maybe these riders will be ok." 

"I mean, I think we're pretty great." A voice said from above. Amps head shot up and he hissed, Sky turned and picked up a rock close by. Landing not far off was a black dragon. In the moonlight the red fake tail fan showed like blood. 

Hiccup sat on Toothless back and leaned forward with a smile . Sky sighed and lowered her arm and the rock. "Hiccup, its not wise to jump a Skirll. " the girl said eyeing the rider. The dragon rider leader put his hands up and chuckled. "I know, Sorry my bad. "

Jumping off his own dragon he walked close to Sky and Amp. "So may i ask why you two are out and about at this hour?" Sky raised an eye brow, "I could ask you the same."  Hiccup raised his own eye brow at the girl. 

"I asked first. " Sky sighed and patted Amp's neck as the Skirll looked at the other rider and dragon. "I couldn't sleep. I thought it would be good to let Amp out and fly for a little. " Hiccup and Toothless both nodded. 
"We where just doing some training when we saw you guys."
"At night?"
"He's a night furry. Toothless does better work on his stealth when we work at night." Sky nodded her head and looked about.
"Its nice here. You guys  have a good home." Hiccup looked around at the trees bathed in moonlight. "It isn't always so great. The Edge can be hard sometimes. " 

With out another word he hopped onto Toothless and nodded. "Come on, i'll give you a small tour. Show you some of the better places to train if you don't wanna be around the Edge and the twins."  Sky laughed and jumped onto Amp, re-hooking her self into the saddle. The two dragon's jumped into the sky once more. 

Amp easily kept up with Toothless as the Night furry flew. The Skirll was level and eye to eye with the other dragon.

Hiccup looked over from Toothless and nodded to Sky. "So is this just your thing? Late night flying?" Sky tipped her head. "I have no idea what you mean." A sly smile crossed the boys face.

"Snotlout likes to brag. " He told the girl, who sighed and flopped onto her saddle. "He told you about that huh?" She asked with a grunt. Hiccup's laugh echoed in the night as he nodded his head. "Yes i'm afraid so." The brown haired boy said.

Sky sat up and snorted. "Yes, I like to go flying at night. It helps me think. And Amp hates being locked up for too long. It doesn't help him." The girl said truthfully to the other rider. Hiccup just nodded and lean left as Toothless flew.

Over the next hour or so the two riders and dragons flew around the island. Hiccup and Toothless showing the others all the best places they knew.
As they flew back to the Edge the pair got higher into the sky.
As they started to dive Amp picked up speed and slowly started to pass Toothless, who picked up on what was going on and started to speed up. 

Hiccup looked up to see a grinning Sky as they two pairs started to race downward. Both riders lend into their dragons and the wind ripped past.
They grew closer to the ground and pulled up, Toothless taking the lead and swooping in front of Amp.

Turning all the way around the black dragon and his rider stopped and stayed mid air. "What was that?" Hiccup asked with a laugh. Sky giggled and pushed some of her wild red hair out of her eyes. "I believe that was a race. A small sad one, but a race." The night furry rider chuckled and shook his head. "You two would need more training to take on this power house." He said patting Toothless head. Sky snorted. "What ever." She said with a laugh as they flew back to the Edge. 

After landing the group parted ways and Sky slipped back into the stable with Amp. The pair fell asleep in a Heep and where out like a light.

Morning was found as a loud roar echoed around the stables. "What was that!?" Ella and Sky both yelled in fear sitting up. 
The roaring was coming from out side.

"What in Thors name?!" 

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