Dragon Shenanigans

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"Hold still you big dumb-!" 
Muffled cursing could be heard from Sky an Amp's hut.A loud crash came after the cursing. "Stop moving! Amp!" 

The hut door flew open and a dirty skirll raced out holding a rag in his jaws.Behind him came a red haired storm. Sky's hair was a mess, her outfit wet and dirty from her own dragon. 

Amp was making purring coos. As if joking to his rider that she couldn't jump up and take the rag from his teeth. "Amp! I swear to Thor give me that! You need a bath!" The rider jumped up as high as she could. Sky's small size making it hard to snag the rag from her dragon's jaw.

"Amp!" Sky stopped jumping. Her legs a little sore from landing so hard. Snorting a little the girl sighed. Amp was just gross. Dirt and old kills stuck to him. The Skirll had a small fear of water, for the fear he couldn't shot ,Sky thought. But he still needed baths.

Because of that Sky had to fight Amp every time. "Ugh. You big jerk of a dragon." Sky said with a snort. Flicking some of her red hair back behind her shoulders. 

It was such a nice day. She just HAD to have a stinky dirty dragon who hated to get a bath. 

Skys plan was to just use a thing of soap and water and brush him down. But now, Oh now she was gonna make sure he was so clean he was shinning. 

But with Amp already on to her Sky may as well think of another idea. 

Putting her back to her dragon Sky crossed her arms. "You are so not cool." She told him as Amp shook about the little rag. 

As she did this some of the other riders where walking up the path to her hut. "Hey Sky. Whats up?" Heathers voice called out . Sky turned and peeked around Amp to see some of her friends. 

Heather, Tuff, Ruff and Fishlegs. 
"Oh. Hello, What are you guys up to?" Sky asked, pushing her messy red hair out of her face. "We where wondering if you wanted to join us for some  training?" Heather smiled.

"I don't think I can." Sky sighed , pushing Amp's muzzle away from her as the dragon purred. "He dose look a little..." Fishlegs started."Gross."Tuffnut said with a look to the dragon. 

"Yaaaa...Amp's kind of gross right now." Sky said, trying once more to pull the wash rag from her dragon's jaws. Amp growled playfully and pulled away. 
"If only I could give him his bath..." The young woman grumbled. 

"Leave it to me to have one of the worse dragons." Sky joked pushing Amp away with a chuckle. "No the worse dragon by far would be Hookfang." Ruffnut said with a snort. As if by some force of the gods , the nightmare of a dragon flew down. His rider sitting on his saddle.

"Someone talking about us?" The rider said with a smug smile, looking at his friends. "No, just Hookfang. Sky said Amp was a hard dragon to work with but she, has clearly...never seen Hookfang..." Tuffnut said. His last words where more of an in thought then any thing. 

"Hey. Hookfang's not that bad." Snotlout started to say. There was a look from the others. "Ok, ok. Maybe Hooky isn't the best at doing what his told. But his like his rider. " 

"A snark?" Sky asked, not looking away from Amp. "Um no, A born leader." There was a snort from Sky. "Thats not what I would call it." he red hair girl was finely able o snag he rag from Amp's jaws but not before he put a sizable hole in it.

"Nice." Sky said in a sarcastic tone o he Skirll. Amp let out a small cooing noise as he bobbed his head up and down.  "Jerk." She hissed to her dragon. 

"You always have his much of a fight with Amp when it comes to given him baths?" Fishlegs asked, watching the display from both rider and dragon. "Skirlls hate water. They can't fire when their in it. Guess Amp just hates it all around."

"Well Hookfang loves water. Also really loves doing what I ask of him. Right Hookfang? Hookfang?" The rider had just now noticed his dragon was already walking off. Clearly bored with everything. 

Heather held out her hand for Amp to sniff. "I'm sure we could help you come up with a way for him to like getting a bath. Shouldn't be that hard right?" 
"Maybe if we give the other dragons some baths, Amp will see that the water means no harm and he wont try to run off?" Fishlegs said with  a look to his own dragon, Meatlug. 

"Ya, Windsheer could use a bath her self. " Heather pointed out. It was settled. The small group of riders calling their own dragons down to the waters edge with rags and buckets of soap. 

Sky was standing on the shore as she watched her friends  and their dragons start to get to work. "See Amp? Not so bad." The girl said, walking over to the water and splashing about.

The Skirll sniffed the sea water. Cocking his head to the side. "See? Its safe." Just as fast as he had walked over, Amp turned and started to get away from the water as fast as he could. With a sigh Sky walked out of the water and to her  dragon. "Amp, its not bad. Your stink and you need a bath. Come on." The girl said this while pulling on a saddle strap. She was no match for the dragon, he could pink her up off her feet without a thought. But the Skirll looked down at his rider . Eyes shinning with a form of amusement at this. 

The dragon snorted, and didn't move. It may have well be Sky trying to move a large over sized rock.  

"Umm whats going on here?" A smug voice asked. Sky, let go of Amp to look over to her left. Hookfang and Snotlout where watching them. They both held a more questioning look then anything. "Skirlls hate baths." Was all Sky said, going back to pulling at the saddle. 

"I know that. But why is half the riders splashing around in the water?"
"To show Amp the water wont hurt him. Keep up Snotman."
"What ever." 

Amp, feeling the uneasiness of his rider hissed over at the two. Hookfang hissed back, a small flame lighting over his back for a minute."Hey no don't." Sky said, tapping Amps side. 

The skirll hissed, and shot a small blot of lighting from his wing as a warning. Then he was quite. Turning back to his rider and nudging her to the waters edge. Looking a little baffled Sky let the dragon push her to the water. She wasn't sure what he was doing, until she was pushed off her feet by the animal and fell into the water. 

A shirk filled the air as the water splashed up around her. "Amp!" Sky laughed. Her red hair becoming matted with water. The other riders stopped what they where doing to watch the girl stand up. Water dripping off her. 

"Ohhhh....Your in so much trouble. " The girl said in a playful hiss to her dragon. Amp, knowing fully what he did let out a small roar, almost like a dog barking. He lowered him self, head tipped to the side. 

The girl lunged at her dragon, watching as he side stepped around her. It only took a lunge or two more before the dragon was standing in the waves. His tail slapping the water.
With a loud laugh the girl flung her self at her dragon. Knocking him off his feet for a minute before they both crashed into the waves.

Laughing and now sitting on her dragon, who was blowing bubbles in the water like a small child, Sky looked to the other riders. "If only it where this easy every time!" 

After getting Amp all clean and dry , Sky took her leave and went for a small fly about the Edge. Her wet hair was soon a tangled mass of red as the wind ripped past it. Making her hair cruel about its self.

Her eyes shut for just a minute. The sound of wings to her right made them open. A small black mass was flying closer to them. Toothless and Hiccup. 

Sky hadn't seen them all day. What was working with Amp and all. "Hey there stranger." Hiccup called, pulling Toothless up right next to Amp. 

The dragons both made a chirping sound. Amp started to bob his head as he talked to the furry. 
"Hey there." Sky said with a friendly smile. "What you up to?" The young male viking shrugged. "Could ask you the same thing. Flying around alone." 

A snort came from the red haired girl. "If you must know, Amp needed to go out for a good fly about. " 

Hiccup raised an eye brow at the red haired girl. "Long day then?" 
A sigh and a groan. "Do you know how hard it is to wash a dragon who would rather die then get a bath?"
"No idea."
"Its so hard! " Sky snorted as Amp let out a small chirp, as if to say he wasn't THAT bad. 
The two riders flew the dragons with out another word. They where almost to the end of the island, where they would turn around and fly back. 

The sky was getting darker as the two started to turn and head back. It was just a quite fly between to friends. Sky enjoying it. She hadn't had a good peaceful fly about in what felt like forever. Not after Ella left.

The red haired girl could understand having your own goals. But she just left so fast. And didn't even say goodbye. This still troubled her. Sky had thought they where close. But it was like the idea of being stuck with the riders spooked the bone nappers rider. 

Sky felt Amp turn mid-air as the two dragons started to head back to the base. Her body shifting with the male dragon, so she wouldn't fall off. 
The Skirll cooed lightly to his rider, as she was more  quite then most days. Sky's blue eyes watching the sun start to stink behind the sea. 

The Skirll and Night fury soon landed lightly on the stables take off ramp. Their riders jumping off the dragon's back. 
Hiccup nodded as Sky stated she was heading off to bed. 

Amp and his rider walked to their hut and opened the door. A large yawn coming from his rider as the small red head flopped onto the bed.  The dragon rolling up around her and lowering his head to sleep.  
The two drifted off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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