Ending Things Before They Start

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Zachary in Media


"Good morning, N'Aejah." I turned my head to see two girls waving as they walked passed me. I didn't even know them, but it was normal.

"Good morning." I greeted them standing in front of my locker. I unlocked it, getting my homework folder out.

"N'Aejah." I looked to the right and saw none other than Joshua, my ex boyfriend. Everything was good while it lasted, but I guess dating the varsity quarterback wasn't as good as in the movies.

"Yes, Josh?" I looked up at him with a sigh.

"You lookin' good today." He licked his lips.

"You say that everyday, what is new?"

"Well damn." He chuckled. "Tell your girls to cheer better for the last game, huh?"

"We will definitely cheer better if you played better." I winked, looking the other way. He brushed softly against me, walking away with his friends.

I closed my locker, holding my MCM backpack. "Hey." I looked and saw Zachary beside me.

"Hey." I smiled. "When did you get here?"

"Just did. You're heading to class?"

"Calculus, you know it."

"I was wondering if you could go off schedule a little and show me to the business class. I can't seem to find it." He handed me a card with a classroom number on it.

"Sure, it's downstairs though." I began walking the halls with him. So many people looked, especially at him. A couple of people took pictures of us together, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

We walked down the stairs and I saw Aaron and this Hispanic girl talking. "Hey, best friend." He nodded his head at me. The girl mean mugged me.

"Hey, best friend." I laughed it off and we continued to walk down the hall. When we stopped, there were only a few people in the hall.

"Here it is." I grinned, handing him his paper back. "When getting here I suggest taking the green stairs." I shrugged my shoulders. I began walking away, but his hand touched my wrist, stopping me.

"You're in such a rush, why?" I looked back at him and he was smiling.

"Don't smile with those white teeth of yours." I playfully rolled my eyes at him, and he laughed.

"You still have those deep dimples I always used to tease you about." He poked both of my cheeks.

"You still have that skinny nose." I squeezed his nose in my hand.

"Funny." He laughed. I shook my head with a smile, looking down. He lifted my head with his finger. His eyes were locked in mine and he leaned in. Our lips met slowly and moved in sync.

I gently pushed him away. "Have a good first period." Zachary smiled, watching me walk away.


"Wassup, Desire?" I asked walking into the showroom. Desire wanted me to meet her somewhere.

"Hey." She smiled. "I apologize, I was just helping my friend with her moves a bit. Just chill for a bit." She offered. I nodded, taking a seat. It looked like an empty strip club: there were poles, and a cleaned bar in the corner.

"Do the move again." Desire instructed. The girl bent over and danced. She looked good: she was petite, but had hips and a butt, her skin was coffee brown, and her hair went down her back. She was in leggings and a crop top.

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