You're Mine

547 22 4

Amory in Media 😻


"Daddy!!" Jayde exclaimed running to Jakari after I opened my front door. He wanted to spend time with her before he headed to Ohio with his basketball team for a game.

"There is Daddy's princess, I missed you bookie." He picked her up kissing all over her face. "What have you been up to?"

"I have a recital Saturday!"

"I will be in the front row." He gave her a high five sitting on the couch.

"Can we play Princess?"

"Sure, go get your dolls." She went off to her room.

I went into the kitchen to wash up some dishes and Jakari followed me. "Wassup wit you?" He asked.

"The hospital and our daughter." I replied plainly.

"Nah, 'More, wassup wit you?" He repeated.

I took a deep breath. "Jakari, not today." I started drying dishes.

"What you mean?"

"Jakari, who did I see on the Shame Room last night spotted at the club with Victoria from high school? Nobody but Jakari Mullins."

"She was just there, I wasn't supposed to speak?" He looked at me, expecting an answer. I stood silent looking away. "Obviously you still care since you doin' research on me and shit, tryna find out who I'm with when it ain't nobody."

"Whatever." I put the dishes away, walking out of the kitchen. Jakari grabbed my wrist and planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed back for about two seconds then pulled away.

"Daddy!" Jayde called from her room.

"Coming, princess!" Jakari bit his lip walking away.


I sat patiently with A'Jahnae, waiting for Trey to be released from his cell. I had already paid his bail, and now I was just waiting for him to come out.

"How could he be so stupid?" I shook my head. Trey was arrested for wildin' out at a concert, which resulted in a police officer having a concussion. I personally went to the cop and apologized on Trey's behalf in the hospital. It was so embarrassing.

I looked over to my right and saw Trey walking beside an officer with his hands cuffed in front of him. I shook my head slowly, watching them approach us. The officer uncuffed Trey and let him go.

"Hey, baby." Trey leaned in to kiss me. I moved my head and pointed to the bathroom.

"Bathroom now." I said without looking at him. I heard him follow me, and after the door shut, I started yelling.

"What the fuck was that?!" I asked him throwing my hands up.

"Baby, I don't know I just flipped-" I started hitting him in the head.

"You stupid, stupid husband! You don't do shit just because!" Trey pushed my hands off of him.

"A'Jaiziea, chill out!" He yelled in my face.

"Move, Tremaine." I looked at the ceiling.

"No, A'Jaiziea. I'm tired of you addressin' me like I'm your child!"

I sighed deeply. "What I say huh?!"

Trey grabbed my shoulders tightly. "Move!" I punched him dead in his jaw, bucking at him. He shoved me into the wall, staring in my face.

Time for Love (Book Four to New Flame)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz