Chapter 8

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That next morning I woke up and turned to see a sleeping Jake. I smiled, "Morning beautiful" he said. "Morning handsome. I said, be smiled. I got out of bed put on one of Jake's Misfits shirts and some royal blue booty shorts, brushed my hair and teeth.
Then went downstairs with Jake. The first thing I heard was CC saying, "In the house really?!". So they know. Thanks Andy."What?" I said.

"YOU did IT with HIM" CC said.

" So? Ashley does i-"

"Let me-" he said putting his finger over my mouth but I cut him off.

"Move the finger or you lose the finger". He moved it quickly knowing I meant what I said. I smiled, "Good boy".
"Even if we did, what's so bad about that?" Jake asked. "Maybe, it's the fact that, YOU TOOK MY SISTER'S VIRGINITY!" Ashley yelled. "Come On. We all knew it was gonna happen some time in my life!" I said, " And why can't you just be happy that I found someone who truly loves me?!". By now I had tears running down my face. I ran upstairs into Jake and I's bathroom and cried. The guys were all knocking and asking me to let them in. Then I heard someone say, "Ok. What if I come in. ONLY me?". Jinxx.

I unlocked the door and opened it, I let Jinxx in. " Come on Jen. Don't cry. You know your brother IS happy for you. He just doesn't want you to grow up so fast. And I think you losing you virgini-" "Now it's just getting weird, get to the end".

" As I was saying that losing... it was considered growing up too fast.". "But he's acting like he's my dad!" I said getting up and sitting on the toilet. Jinxx moved in front of me criss- crossed. "He just doesn't want your to-"

"Cut it Jinxx! I'm 22 years old I can do what I want without his approval! He just has to get over the fact that I'm growing up".  I walked out the bathroom and shoved the guys to the side a little so I can go to back into the room.

I layed down on the bed on my side and just starred at the wall. I felt the bed dip down and someone's arm wrap around me. I smiled. "You do know I love you right?" Jake asked, kissing my cheek.

"Yes I do. Do you know I love you?"  I asked getting closer to him.

He chuckled, "Yes, I do.". I smiled again. "Hold on I'll be right back", I said getting off the bed. I walked downstairs. "Just answer me this," I said looking at Ashley, "How old were you when you lost your virginity?" "Siiiiii- Seeevvve- . IT DOESN'T MATTER!" He said. I rolled my yes and went back upstairs. 

"How about we watch movies for the rest of the day?" Jake asked. "I would love that" I said.

So, all day Jake and I were in bed watching movies. This was perfect!

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