c h a p t e r 7

385 2 0

A week later ...

3:00 am

Moonie POV

I couldn't sleep for anything. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. I had took some medicine but it seem like it didn't work.

I jumped out the bed and rushed to the bathroom. Puking all the things I ate earlier in the toilet. I lay on the toilet feeling horrible. What is going on with me.

I hear footsteps coming into the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and got up to wash my hands.

"Moon you okay ? I heard you in here." King says to me.

"I feel nauseous and I've been throwing up for two days straight."

He looks toward me. "Melani you aren't pregnant are you?"

"What ?! I'm on birth control how could I be pregnant?"

Shaking his head. " Moon that was 2 years ago. It only last 2 years and when did you get on birth control."

Omg. I forgot about the two year thing and it is the month that I got on it. I run to the room to grab my phone.

Scrolling on my calendar. I look for May 16 which was a week ago.

Birth control ends..

I stared at the words before me.

It ended. I wasn't protected. I could possibly be pregnant.

King came up to me and sat me on his lap. "Moon what's wrong."

Instantly the tears came to life. "King my birth control ended a week ago.... We had sex two days after it. I could be pregnant.."

"Moonie baby why are you crying it's okay I promise you pregnant or not I got you no matter what. we going to get through this together."

Wiping the tears off my face. He kissed my stain cheeks slowly and then my lips.

I kiss him back. "Can we go to the store and get 6 boxes of pregnancy test."

"Yes go put some clothes on."

I get up from his lap and walk in the closet. Finding some shorts and a shirt. I didn't care how was I looking.

King had put a black shirt on and some gym shorts. Corey was still with my mom and I miss him.

"You ready to go baby."

I shook my head and we walked downstairs to leave out the front door. Locking the door behind us. We got in the green challenger and went to the store

I need a gangsta

To love me better

Than all the others do

To always forgive me

Ride or die with me

That's just what gangsters do

I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue

I'm built for it, all the abuse

I got secrets, that nobody, nobody knows

I'm good on, that pussy shit

I don't want, what I can get

I want someone, with secrets

That nobody, nobody, nobody knows

I need a gangsta

To love me better

Than all the others do

To always forgive me

Ride or die with me

That's just what gangsters do

My freakness is on the loose

And running, all over you

Please take me to places, that nobody, nobody goes

You got me hooked up on the feeling

You got me hanging from the ceiling

Got me up so high I'm barely breathing

So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me, don't let me go

Pulling up to the store I got out and went in. Going on the aisle they was on. I picked up 6. Making sure I didn't buy any cheap ones.

Walking to counter to pay for them. I felt a body collapse with me. Making me drop all the boxes. Like wtf.

"I'm sorry." the person bent down to pick up my boxes. I stood up and was shocked at who I saw.

Elizabeth ...

"Thanks." I didn't look her in the eye.

She looked at my boxes. I quickly grabbed them.

"You're welcome." I could hear the sadness in her voice. but I can't go back down that road with her. Walking to the counter. The lady scanned my items. and I payed her.

I rushed out the store. I didn't want to be in there anymore. I walked to the car and opened the door getting in.

King crunk the car up and grabbed my hand driving off to the house.


"King you can't wait 5 more minutes."

He flops on the bed. "No Moonie I'm getting impatient!"

I bust out laughing. I walk to the bed and laid on top of him.

"King do you want a baby ?"

He looks up to me. "I always wanted one since I got attached to Cory. A baby of our genes. I want to love him or her just like Cory & show them the world like I show you both & if your not pregnant it's just a sign that we aren't ready I'll understand completely."

His sudden words made me smile. That gave me courage on being pregnant or not being pregnant.

I hear the buzzer go off in the bathroom. We both sat up scared to walk in the bathroom. I sighed

I finally got the courage and walked in the bathroom. I looked at all 6 sticks.

King walked in the bathroom.

"Sooo?" King says to me.

I look at him.

"King I'm ....."

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