chapter 2

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Oliver cast his gaze around the sparcely populated area. This was the last area the creature was spotted in, spotted actually less then a couple of hours ago. Dusk was on the horizon, and he supposed he could take a peek around at the last area.

It was near an old abandoned warehouse in the Glades. So far neither him or felicity hsd made a connection between the places. He left his bike and its helmet behind as he entered the warehouse cautiously.

He did a quick scan of the area he was in and didn't see anything out of the ordinary right off the bat, and started do a deeper inspection. Mostly, it looked like it should, empty. Until he went into a different part of the warehouse.

Something leather like smacked him in the face and a shirll yelp souded from the thing that attacked him.

"Oh gods! I'm sorry!" Came a light toned feminine voice. Oliver stepped back and decided to be defensive instead of immediate offense. The sight in front of him was.. odd to say in the least. A small framed woman -looking more like malnourashed then just genetically small- had spun around at his entry, and had a terrified stance and apologetic eyes. Her eyes...

Olivers throat constricted. Green eyes. Black, filthy hair. The same face... this was the woman from his dream, but he had to push the thought away. Or he would end up in a position he didnt want to be in. she had a long tapered tail. The thing that slapped him.

"W-who are you?" She stuttered, pressed up against the wall farthest from him. He put his hands up in an easing gesture.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Oliver Queen. What's your name?" He asked while his mind raced. He thought of that headline. Human expirementation... could this woman be a product from that? He took a small step towards her but stopped in his approach when she flinched.

"I c-can't control it. Stay away!" She said with a frightened stutter. Black and electric blue  spread up her arm, Oliver wasn't sure what it was. He figured it wasn't good. "I can't - " she started to repeat and oliver nodded slowly.

"I get that. Please calm down, I won't hurt you." He said calmly.

"Who are you?" She asked again. She blinked fast a couple of times, Oliver could swear he saw her pupil shift.

"I am the Green Arrow. And i can help you " her expression changed to that of pure panic. With a squawk of terror she flung herself past him and started running, becoming more and more like a creature. Oliver took after her reaching into his pocket for a dagger, he had two. A tranq and a tracker. If the tranq didnt work, hopefully the tracker would.

Although he could run faster then most people, he was hard pressed to keep up the the woman turned - and that is from Felicity - dragon. He chased her across half of the glades, before he managed to get her where she thought she was safe. He perched above her on a low swooping building watching. The square they where in had littke to no people, but sirens wailed off in the distance, most likely tracking her down.

She seemed to notice them too, because she shifted back to human, and oliver took his chance, flinging the tranq dart and knocking her unconscious. Oliver jumped from his perch, and looked the woman over.

The sirens where louder, and closer, so he quickly picked her up and started making his way to their base, evading the police like only he could.

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