chapter 3

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Felicity had stood in surprise as Oliver walked into their base with an unconscious woman. She didnt fully condone that, considering they knew nothing about her, and olivers only comment was

"Found our creature. Make sure she stays under." Then he was off to checking that labratory, so currently, Felicity was at her station, also with a part of her attention on the unconscious girl. She couldn't possibly see how she was the creature sighted, she looked normal.

She turned her attention back to the screen and spoke into the coms. "Oliver, looks like youve got two guards out front, and three just inside, more so in the lower levels." She typed  and forced her way into their security to shut off the lights and confuse then and to grant Oliver access. She watched as he easily knocked out or injured the guards.

Sighing, her mind returned her to several months ago with the defeat of Damian Darhk... ending with Oliver breaking his non kill vow, however, after Laural's death, it seemed impossible to leave Damian intact. The sound of her name snapped Felicity out of it.

"Felicity, i think ive got something." Oliver reported through the ear peice. "And its definitely not good." Felicity hacked into the cameras and located where Oliver was, and a squeak of terror froze in her throat.

"Oh gods! Thats..." she broke off, frozen in horror at the sight of various mutilated bodies, part human, part other things.

"Terrible. This lab was definitely doing stuff that wasn't humane... or legal." Oliver said somewhat softly. The stench of the dead was almost unbearable. "That woman has to be connected here somehow, that makes her our best lead." He said, getting ready to depart the labratory, before something he thought about made him stop. This room was their storage for failed experiments, maybe they had records of them.

Oliver searched around the facility again, more in depth this time around, which primarily had the guards and no one else, but came up empty handed. He then decided to return to their HQ. The woman was still under, and Felicity had shoved herself away from the computers and was rubbing her forehead.

"Are you alright?" Oliver asjed softly, approaching her. She nodded tightly, her eyes squeezed shut. Nodding, he leaned against the railing, wondering what the next step was. Obviously that lab was an issue. Human expirementation was a line one didnt cross. But there was nothing in that facility that would help them, not even a name really.

"Felicity?" He asked, having thought of something. She looked up at him, still feeling sick from the sight before.

"Yes?" She responded, not moving.

"See if you can dig anything up on the building, owners, when it was purchased, built. Things like that. If we can at least get a name, then we have somewhere to start." Oliver crossed his arms, and thought some more while Felicity started on that.

He glanced at the woman, unconscious laying on a table with a drip connected to her arm to keep her unconscious, and wondered how he would be able to ask her anything about where she came from. Experiences like that, couldn't be easy to talk about, and boy did he know that. He also figured that he would need to gain her trust first, so that she didnt destroy their place.

He walked over to the case and grabbed his bow, since he was still in his uniform. "I'm going to see if there is anything the police need help with." Oliver announced before flipping his hood up and leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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