Chapter 3 Old Faces say Goodbye

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As Shuichi returned home that night, all he could think back on were Kisa's words. "You can see me anytime you want to..."

Yes, I've never been so relived to hear such words spoken in my entire life... So why do I still feel a sense of worry? Could it just be the nerves of seeing her again...? No, there is a strong stench of danger in the air... Something is very amiss about all this...

Kurama's suspicions would turn out to bear fruit, for as soon as he arrived home, there was a very worn scrap of paper attached to the brass handle. Upon further inspection, it turned out to be a note, and not a particularly friendly one at that. Kurama gently took the worn paper from the door handle, so as to not rip it apart, and then began to read it to himself silently.


I know about everything. I have known for thousands of years now.

I despise you and the princess now for the living hell you've made out of my life.

It all ends tomorrow. I will make myself known to you then by releasing my energy, giving you a trail to me and Niba. I will not harm her unless you do not follow my energy trail tomorrow, at which point, I'll be forced to kill her and then I shall return to Demon World, where you will never find me again. 

Do not disappoint me again Youko...


As soon as he finished reading the letter, Kurama felt his hands begin to shake, barely able to hold onto the delicate paper any longer. As much as his intellectual mind would've liked to believe that whoever had written this note was lying, Kurama knew better. He could faintly pick up Kisa's scent on the paper, meaning that whoever had written this really had captured her and was forcing a meeting between himself and Kurama.

"Who could have done this...? Who else knew about Youko and Niba?!? It was all kept in such secrecy that I'm positive they themselves were the only ones who could have possibly known!" Kurama whispered to himself, frustrated at the entire situation, verging on the edge of panic. 

The next few hours passed by very slowly for Shuichi Minamino, who was forced to put up an act that everything was perfectly fine so his human family would not have cause for concern pertaining to his well-being. 

The night hours passed by even slower, as he tried to force himself to get some sleep, but to no avail... His concern for Kisa was far too great to afford such a luxury. The ultimate relief for Kurama's conscience came as the light of morning peeked through his blinds. 

Finally... Kurama thought to himself, getting dressed, keeping all of his senses on high alert as to feel out this mystery demon when the time finally came.

It wasn't until the red-headed young man was approximately halfway to his school when he began to feel a faint demonic presence coming from his destination. "Clever... Hiding out in the most obvious place so I would never think to search for her here until it was already too late. This demon is crafty, but with a demonic presence like that, his chances of success are incredibly low if his intentions are to kill me... Or perhaps that isn't the case... There's only one way to find out..."

Kurama continued to follow the energy trail the demon was leaving for him, entering his school to find the air ripe with the immistakable scent of an apparition. Yet somehow, the air around the school felt cold... Bone-chillingly cold. The mark of a miserable apparition who had felt nothing but pain his entire life. He would get no pity nor mercy from Shuichi however, as the young boy passed by his shivering classmates in the hallway, he was finally able to pinpoint the exact location of the demonic presence. The basement...

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