Remembering Yesterday/ New Promises

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Flashback 4 Years Ago:
It was just any other day. A blue hedgehog, just learning how to walk, was giggling happily as he chased the waves on the shore of a beach. Meanwhile a pair of hedgehogs, both also blue in color, were setting up a small lunch on a picnic blanket in the sand.

The father smiled at his son as he watched him enjoy himself, while the mother, on the other hand, seemed a bit skeptical. " Sonny, sweetheart, don't go to close to the water I don't want you to get swept away." She warned as she fiddled with the edge of the picnic blanket nervously.

" Oh Bernie relax. Sonic will be fine don't fret." He reassured his wife as he relaxed in the sun. " But Jules what if the waves catch him and carry him off? He can't swim yet, he'll drown!" She said in a panicky voice.

Said hedgehog opened one of his previously closed eyes and looked at her. Brown reassuring eyes met blue ancy ones as he tried to calm his wife. " Bernadette look I promise he will be alright the waves aren't even close enough to-..." " M-Mommy! D-Daddy! Hwelp!" The scream of a toddler came from beyond the waves of the sea.

A frantic Bernadette quicky jumped up and ran into the water trying to rescue her only son before the waves carried him to far out. " Sonny quick grab mommy's hand!" She said worriedly as she reached both hands out to him hoping that he would at least grab one.

A small peach hand reached out to his mother's but was cut short when a wave cane crashing over his tiny azure head sending him under the water and back up coughing and gasping for air. A terrified streak erupting from his throat as he saw his far away he was getting from his mother and how hard it was stay above the water.

Meanwhile a frenetic Jules had quickly ran to a small ledge over looking the waters edge to try and locate his disappearing son from the water's cover. Once locating his son, he dove, in a perfect nose dive form, into the salty waves of the ocean below.

Many powerful strokes later through the water and Sonic was clutching for life against the chest of his father sobbing uncontrollably in the creak of his neck. " Shh it's alright Sonic daddy's got you. You're safe now. There is no need to worry." But once again the reassurance of his father was put to the test by another wave of water.

Noticing the wave, Jules quickly took action and threw Sonic, with all the strength he could muster up, into a current that would lead him back to the shore, which, much to his and Bernadette's relief, it did.

Sonic crawled on his hands and knees up to the shore, cold and wet only to turn around and see both of his parents swallowed by the unforgiving wave and dragged down to the depths of the sea where they soon drowned.

End of Flashback

I listened intently to Sonic's sorrowful back story as he cried into my chest. I really had no idea that the boy had ever had to witness such a gruesome passing of love ones.

I rubbed small circles over his back quills as he finished his explanation for the source of his fear and nodded in understanding of why he hated water do much now.

I watched as sad jade eyes looked into my crimson ones just silently begging for the comfort that he so desperately needed and I quickly obliged in providing.

I quickly pulled the small hedgie into a warm and comforting embrace and nuzzled the top of his head as I said smooth and calm like, " There is no need to worry anymore Sonic. I promise that as long that I am here nothing bad will ever happen to you again. And i promise that if we are ever separated that I will always return little one. All you have to do is wait for me. Will you wait for me?"

I could tell that Sonic was a bit hesitant at answering my question and I can understand that. His many years alone has made it very difficult for him to trust a mobian and I respect that. As a parent now it is my job and sole duty to respect and be patient when it comes to raising and gaining the respect and trust of my child.

I'm definitely willing to wait for that.

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