vigilante chapter 1 "The Day"

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Okay class settle down I know you heard me I said settle down, today we have a new student introduce yourself. Hi everyone i'm James Jefferson is a pleasure to meet you all hope we can be good friends. Okay James you can take a seat right next to hmmm adam he's right next to the window oh right adam, james would be your partner for the science project since he came to school 3 weeks late he will need this grade. But mr. Smith I can. I know you can do the project on your own adam, and school is over, James you will get the details of the science project from Adam so work hard you to. Yes sir so adam what kind of project are we working on!?. Im going home I'll tell you the details tomorrow. Hmmm okay wow what a guy. Don't take it personally he does that to every one In school by the way I'm Gina.
Nice to meet you Gina I'm James what do you mean he does that to everyone. I mean he doesn't really talk to people in school I'm not into gossip but some say that he hate everyone some another people say he just likes to be a lone wolf some of us try talking to him but he doesn't talk unless it's about school work. Thanks Gina for the information and before I go can you tell me where he lives. Hmmm yeah i can but why?. People like Adam are hard-headed and it takes people like me to get through them. Haha if you say so, do you have a piece of paper.
Yes i do. Adam is that you at the door. Yes Auntie it's me guess what. What? Did you finally eat my cooking if so was it delicious. Hahaha don't joke like that what I was trying to tell you was we have a new kid in my class and he's my science partner. Oh so you have a new science Park. No i never had oneBefore. Oh ok so you lied to me about having a science partner before and your teacher actually assigned you a actual person to be your partner to help you with your science project. Yes and I can do the science project on my own oh wait I mean they changed my last partner to the new kid. Adam you know I hate lies so has punishment you can eat the rice I made for dinner. You just want to make me eat it because you don't want to eat it right!. What of course not don't say such nonsense I'm just making you eat it because it's a tiny portion of rice and your growing boy wait a minute..... Why do I have to explain myself to you I mean I'm the adult and you should do what I say so eat the rice and stop asking questions and before you put rice on that plate go answer the door someone's knocking

To be continued

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