Chapter 16

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(Quick note)

Sorry i took so long updating i kind of got into reading instead of writing, the ideas are flowing again now so the updates should come sooner.

Thanks to everyone that commented and voted it means alot that you took the time to let me know you enjoy it, without your input this story would of ended up deleted.

So again sorry and thanks.

Kez x x


'Oh my goddess why does i feel like i've been hit with a baseball bat'

I opened my eyes slowly but couldn't help it when they swiftly shut again, the light was excruciating, blinking rapidly i was able to adjust to the harshness of the light and open them only to reveal four people standing around my bed.

I scurried back against the headboard bringing my knees to my chest, i buried my head in my legs and tried to calm my breathing, fear was the only emotion in me right now while visions of my past kept echoing through my mind.

I felt someone touch my arm and couldn't help flinching back, with the past being the only thing in my head right now it warned me that touching lead to harm so why should now be any different.

I could feel their suffocating presence still around me but with soft soothing words being spoken by the one voice i would never fear i was able to calm down enough to listen.

"Alexis we're ok, we're safe, breathe, breathe" we're repeated over.

Finally i calmed down enough to answer. "Sky?"

"Yes Alexis, listen to me ok we're safe, no-one here is going to harm us"

"What happened Sky? my head really hurts and i can't remember why"

"The stag kicked you in the head when it ran past it knocked you out completely, the twins were scared so they brought you back to the motel"

"Ok so who's here all together?"

"Right now the twins, the Onyx pack doctor and Kai"

"Thanks Sky, i couldn't stop freaking out, i woke up disorientated and with the visions i couldn't think clearly"

"I know it scared me too but you do realize with you curled up like this and being quiet they're all freaking out right now and wondering what the hell is going on" Sky explained.

Lifting my head carefully, one to stop the dizziness and two testing their reactions, I could sort this out one of two ways. First explain my reactions which will lead to a large part of my past being revealed or second turn my reaction into a joke and hope for the best, option two looked better with each passing minute.

I looked around the room stopping each time on the four cautious faces staring at me, before anyone had a chance to open their mouth i beat them to it.

"Hi, who are you all?"

"You don't remember us Ali?" Luc spoke first.

I sat there glancing between them not sure whether to continue with the joke or come clean, with no sound from me all three faces dropped, 'ok now i feel guilty', looking at each of them i could feel the care and sadness rolling off them in waves, Luc stood there mouth open in shock, Gabe stood next to him arm slung around his shoulder offering and seeking comfort from his brother while Kai sat in the armchair head in his hands shaking his head back and forth, the doctor stood in the far corner having no clue has to what is going on.

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