Chapter 4 - Role Reversal

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Gabi's POV

My body was almost frozen with shock as I clambered down the stairs of the Allianz Arena stands, the journey from the VIP box to the ground floor seeming to take forever. I charged out the exit and through the door only the staff knew about, scouring all the other doors in the hallway to find the one I was looking for. The one Toni was behind.

Fortunately, one of the medical staff came rushing up to me. "Gabi?" he asked. "Are you Gabi?"

"Yes," I panted. "Yes, I am."

"This way," he pointed to a half-open door a short distance down the hall. "He said you'd be here."

I thanked him briefly and ran as fast as I could into the room, only to see Toni lying there, looking completely helpless as a few men checked his thigh.

"Toni!" I rushed over to his side. "What happened?"

"Hey, baby," he forced a smile and nearly failed. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine!" I said urgently. "Where does it hurt? What happened?"

"Shhh, baby," he grabbed my hand tightly. "I just...felt a little pain as I ran. Don't worry."

"I can't not worry!" I exclaimed, burying my face in my shoulder. "Does it hurt? A lot?"

"No, Gabi, it doesn't," he sounded a little frustrated, and that told me that it did hurt, contrary to what he was trying to convince me. "I'll be fine."

I lifted my head back up, deciding that I should be strong for him. I reached over and combed through his hair with my fingers. "I'll be here," I whispered. "All the way. I'll be here."

His expression softened as he smiled, more genuinely this time. That little change left me in tears which came out of nowhere, falling out of my eyes and onto his shirt. His face fell when he saw me crying. "Baby, please don't cry," he soothed, turning over and pressing my face into his chest, much to the doctor's annoyance.

"I was so scared," I whimpered. "When you stopped...when you lay there...I was so scared."

"I'm fine now, see? I'm here."

"Be strong, baby," I whispered, sweeping his messy hair out of his face as the doctor turned him back to face the ceiling.

"I will," he promised. "As long as you do, too."

I slid my fingers in between his. "Okay," I lifted his hand and kissed the back of it.

"Scan tomorrow," the doctor said, pulling the leg of Toni's shorts back down to his knee.

Toni nodded, and one of the staff turned on a TV which was showing a live broadcast of the match that was happening outside. Then they all retreated out of the room and left the both of us alone.

I bit my lip hard to stop my tears from falling, hoping that Toni wouldn't spot me doing so. He'd always been so strong, training so hard and keeping so fit. I didn't remember him having any sort of injury as serious as this one before. He couldn't even walk off by himself.

Much to my relief, he was thoroughly engrossed in the match, his mouth falling open slightly as he followed all the action intently. The sight of his childlike innocence and pure interest in the game brought a smile to my face.

He finally turned around to gape at me as the final whistle was blown. "What?" he asked when he saw the expression on my face.

I reached over and ruffled his hair up. "You're so cute."

As if he'd just realised his mouth was open, he closed it hastily. "I'm happy you think so," he said dryly.

I laughed as I heard the clatter of football boots in the hallway outside. "I think we have visitors," I whispered as the door opened and the room began to smell of sweat.

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