Chapter 2 - Lolicon

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"What's with that gloomy face, Alice?"

After a great struggle, finally I was able to run away from those two evil and right now I was being driven to school by Otoo-san with Onee-chan as extra baggage.

And lookslike even Otoo-san wanna to take a fight with me.

"Can't you see it your self?"

"Is it about the Uniform? It's suit yo-"

"GAAAA dont say it, don't say it!!!"

"Ahahaha, Ok ok but please stop punching Otoo-san, right? I'm still driving right now."


"Ahahaha, Alice pouting face is cute too you know?"

"See, Alice? Even Father say you're cute~"

"Why?? WHY?? After Okaa-san now Otoo-san say I'm cute too. I'm a boy you know, it hurt me when you say I'm cute."

Upon hearing my words, Nee-chan and Otoo-san staring at each other for a second and then facing me while saying..

""Because you're Cute. CUTE IS JUSTICE!! ALL HAIL CUTENESSES!!!""


This duo of Lolicon is make me wanna facepalm my self. Oh God why did my family become like this?

It makes me lonely everytime they in sinc to bully me. In fact I have no friends since I was a kid, except for my family and several worker at home. So, I'm pretty much lonely all this time.

Well at least that sorrowful day will end today because after this car stop I'll start a new life in school and it's not just a normal school but a school for an andverturer.

The school name is "Armitia AV Academy". AV for Adventurer not for A**** V****, Ok!?

This school was 1 of 3 Famous school for producing an excellent adventurer in the World. In this school you have to take 6 years of study before graduate and got an Adventurer License.

But, to be registered you have to pass 2 condition.
1. You should have an average stat of 400 point for the five main stat and that is "STR, INT, VIT, DEX, and AGI".
2. You have to pass the written entrance exam and a battle test to see how much the knowledge and ability you have.

Luckily the exam is not so hard(?) and I manage to pass it with flying colour. By the way the school have started since a week a go and I was late because the accident that I have to face before. And I hope I would still be able to find a friend because by now other student would have already made a group of their own... *glooom

Well, enough about the explanation and negative mind. Right now the car has finally arrived at the school gate. 

"hah , finally!!!" was what I think after the car stopped. And rght after I was about to get out of the car , the pas memories of me getting bullied was resurfacing on my mind and made my froze.


"What is it Alice? You won't say that you forgot something or you afraid that other student will bully you right? " say Otou-sama with teasing tone.

"Ahahaha, that would be stupid if she scared of bullying."

"Actually... It was the latter.."




After hearing my answer they fell silent. And several second later , their sanity came back and father would taking me back to home.... is what I was hoping for , but..

"Mayu I'll go now take care of your sister okay?"

"Roger that. Please take care father."


And with that , Otou-sama car became invisible.

Hey!! Using Invisibility mode that I plant on his car to run away from me is not fair you know.

"Ok Alice, let's go."

With a low tone she usually use when she became serious she take me back from my bewildered state.

"Wait!! Like I said. What if the kids here bullying me!? I don't want to be bullied because of how I looks!!"

Well actually when I was still a kid, Onee-chan has found out that I was a reincarnated person and inquired the story of it. And after I told her about my past, she became overprotective to me and ended up make me can't join a grade school.

By the way in this world there's nothing like middle school nor high school. Just a kindergarten and prmari school, after that a specific school for the material that they took a liking or more correctly what they want to be such as adventurer, merchant, kingdom knights and the likes.

"Rest assured Alice. If there's anybody that dare to play with my cute imouto, they will surely meet a time where's they beg to be killed by me, ufufu~"

*Gulp* now she sounded more likes Okaa-sama in Yandere mode. It's so scary...

"Now now let's go!!"

"Mu!! Waaait stop pulling me!!!"


Again!! Some weird part has join the story.

Please give me some comment and please tell me if there are some typo.


I fix some of the typo and hope i can give some new chapter...

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