Chapter Eight: Strong Bond

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"I just don't get it boss. Why do you want her as an ally?" John asked as we walked out of the schools double doors.

"One, because she saved me from being hit, possibly killed, by a car with leads me to believe that she's not as cold and heartless as every says she is. And two, because I have a hunch that she might know someone that I am keeping an eye on."

"But sir-"

"That's enough. I left that night without a scratch while she fucken dislocated her god damn shoulder for a prick like me. You should be grateful to her that I am up and well. Now I'm tired of trying to satisfy your curiosity. Leave me." I demanded with a sharp tone.

"Yes sir." John bowed his head before walking away. With a short sigh of relief I headed to my studies that had pile upon piles of unfinished work. Believe it or not, going to my studies to finish some paperwork was my nerdy wat of relaxing. After about five hours of working non-stop my concentration was brutally inturupted with my door slamming open and hitting the wall with a loud ass bang; nearly making me draw my gun until I heard a familiar female voice.

"Dearest cousin, I'm here!"

"I'm so sorry sir, I tried to tell her-" One of the members said peeking behind her tall frame. I dismissed him with a waved of my hand to which he responded with a short nod before leaving.

"Why is it that whenever I visit you, your always in your studies?" She asked as she sat down on the desk, taking the finished papers and skimming them.

"Because I actually have work to do, not everyone can be care free like you, Kathy." I said calmly as I took the  paper from her hands. She stuck out her tongue like a child before hoping off the desk and walking to the book shelve.

"True, but you have to know when to relax and have fun." She grabbed a random book off the shelve and open to a random page as she began to skimming it too.

"I can have fun." I restored back. She shut the book closed and gave me a look I know too well. "I do." I said trying to convince her. She put the book back were she got it before walking back to me. She leaned over the desk and took the pen from my fingertips.

"My dearest cousin, you should know that you can't lie to me." She said in playful tone that always put a smile on my face.

"What are you planning?" I asked as I gave her a wide smile that I couldn't stop.

"You'll find out if you come with me." I stared at her, the smile never leaving my face. She always did know how to have fun.

*Cynthia's POV*

"God dammit Joey, get your ass over here!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "And don't pretend that your sleeping unless you want an ice bucket dumped on you again!" Since Joey and I both messed up our arms, Randy and Celeste were stuck doing most of the chores. We would do stuff that we were able to do with one arm but it was still a small list. But, Joey being the lazy person he is, barley does anything. I remember when we were little, Joey would always pull some excuse to get out of chores. I was so done with his lies that one time when he pretended to fell asleep, I got a bucket of water and put ice in it. After letting it set for a while, I dumped it on him. He didn't get sick or anything but he started doing his part of the chores. I guess old habits die hard.

"Ok I'm coming, jeez you're so violent women." He whined as he walked down the stairs and started doing his part. Celeste did the dishes while Randy puts them away. My part is cleaning the dusty places.

"I'm not violent." I murmured with a frown as he gave me a look I knew too well. "I'm not," I continued before going back to cleaning. "Only when I need to be."

"You threaten me just a few moments ago." He argued.

"A little water isn't going to kill you. Plus, I wouldn't have to if you would just to your part of the chores." I restored.

"Tch, whatever." He mumbled knowing his defeat. A smile crept to my face.

When we finished our chores, we lazily laid around in the living room watching some movies. Randy streatched out on the couch, leaving no room for anyone else. Celeste and Joey took both recliners which left me laying on the floor. Not that I'm complaining, the floor is quite comfortable if you ask me. We were currently watching Transformer's, the second one.

"Sam is so hot." Celeste blurred out in aww as she stared at the television screen.

"Excuse me?" Randy and Joey said in union as they snapped their heads to her. I only laughed as I saw this coming. "You are too young to be looking at boys little girl."

"I'm not that little!" She argued with a small pout.

"Cece, your seven years old." I told her not looking away from the screen.

"The only time we'll allow you to even think of boys is when your thirty." Joey stated looking back to the TV. Randy hummed in agreement.

"You guys are so mean." She mumbled.

"It's called love Cece." I butted in again, still not looking away from the screen. She didn't say anything after that and it was quiet as the movie progress. The day went on like any other. After the movie we went to Frosted Freeze and got some ice cream, then just cursed around the cost.

"Oh, by the way. Brett found out that I'm Intimidator and that Joey is MVP." I said out of the blue when I remembered what happen yesterday. Joey chocked on his ice cream while Randy just gave me an 'are you serious' look. Celeste was off playing with rocks and collecting seashells by the water as we sat a good distance  from her but not too far.

"How the hell did he found out?" Joey asked with worry after he recovered from choking.

"Okay, honestly, I have no idea. He just said that we had the same voice and when he talked about how the social services haven't taken Celeste away yet and I lost it and started throwing punches." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Does he know about-"

"No." I cut off Randy before he could even finish. Dreading the very thoughtful of it. "I kept that information under lock and key. He only knows about how I'm Celeste guardian. I made sure of it."

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