Chapter 8: Watching From the Shadows

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Suho's Pov

It's been two weeks since I last talked to Yuho. I see her roaming the halls of our school looking completely out of it. All life had been drained from her, not leaving a trace of that vibrant teenager that used to be there. My heart aches for her, wishing that I could run up to her letting her know that everything's okay.

I can never forgive Taehyung for wiping her memories clean, it seems as if she's suffering even more.

As I'm distracted by my very own thoughts I bump into someone. I look down to see Yuho picking up her books that dropped. She looks at me briefly, dropping her books again when we make eye contact.

I bend down to pick up her books, smiling slightly when I press them into her shaky hands. Tears are brimming her eyes, causing my heart to ache even more. I can't tell her who I am, it'll just make her even more confused. I have to act like I don't know her.

"Are you okay," I question with concern.

"I'm sorry, you just resemble someone who I held dear to my heart."

"If you don't mind me asking, whom might that be?"

"My younger brother Suho. You can't be him though, he died in a car accident a few weeks ago," she whispers softly.

Tears are now rolling off of her cheeks as she quickly walks away from me. Jimin comes to stand next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder in hopes of comforting me. I feel empty now. I hate having to do this to her.

"Hey Suho, it'll be okay. You just have to be strong for her at this crucial moment."

"I can't Jimin. I just want to tell her that I'm okay. That we're all okay. How can we be doing this to her? She looks even more broken than ever before."

He just sighs as he embraces me into his loving arms. I break down, crumbling to the ground with Jimin. Jimin holds me even tighter. I burry my head into the crook of his neck as the salty substance stains his shirt.

Yuho's Pov

He resembled Suho so much. I'm such a fool for even thinking that it was him, he's long dead. I need to pull myself together, I'm losing my mind.

I once again bump into somebody else. I heard a low growl coming from the person.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologize while bowing 90 degrees.

I look back up to come face to face with a very well built blonde. He had dark eyes, a beatifully structured face with perfect features.

He tilts his head to the side, looking at me with such curiosity.

"What's your name young lady?"

"Yoon Yuho, what's yours?"

"Wang Jackson."

His voice was so deep, so captivating. Another good looking person comes to stand next to him, smiling warmly at me.

"Hey there pretty lady, my name's Leo. I hope my friend Jackson here didn't scare you?"

"No, in fact we were just getting to know each other is all. I have to get to music class now before I'm late. I'll talk to you guys later."

They both smile as I walk off. I walk up to the fourth floor, walking into the music room just before the bell rang.

"Looks like the princess made it just in time," Mrs.Park remarked.

For some reason this teacher seems as if she doesn't like me.

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