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Lazine sighs and curls up on the bed in the small room called a cell. She had been here on Doc Ocs ship for who knows how long. She's been here for so long that she doesn't even know what day or month or even year it is anymore. She set up and pulled her knees up to her chest and holds them. She starts having a small coughing fit.

Doc Oc has been horrible towards the golden winged goddess. The small glow has left her and the sparkle and joy has left her eyes. Leaving her emotionless and sick emotionally. Not to mention Lazine has become physically sick causing the area around her eyes to become red and cause her to have coughing fits. Doc Oc has refused to give the poor girl any medicine or to even feed her the correct amount of food.

Lazine only gets a half loaf of bread for the week and nothing more. The other monsters and super humans Doc Oc has in captive are surprised she has survived this long. Lazine has been in this ship she calls a prison for nearly 5months now. Lazine hates the place horribly and to the point to where she wants to kill herself. But to her dismay she cant cause there is nothing in the tiny room but a board called a bed, sheets, and a pillow.

Lazine,after thinking about things for a few seconds lays on her side and closed her eyes. Which she then fell asleep and luckily dreamed peacefully. That is until the next morning she woke up to hear the alarm screeching. She hissed in pain and covered her ears. She hummed to herself to calm down like she always did and rocked her self back and self.

She opened her eyes and jumped startled when she saw a man in a spider suit standing in front of the glass wall. There were 3 other people behind him screaming at him to do something. The glass was sound proof so she couldn't hear what they were saying. The other three. One was a red and gold iron suit, another being a black and red version of the first one, and (I cant remember what the other one looked like).

Lazine just stared at the one she saw first. The Spiderman looked at the door of her cell and went over to it. He shot a web on the door that came from his wrist. Lazine then saw electricity go through the web and hit the door. It was strong enough to cause the door the break and fall over and into the cell.

This surprised but mostly scared the winged young woman. She jumped back and was pressing her back against the wall scared. The spider man came into her cell a walked over to Lazine carefully holding his hands out. The other 3 spider men watched the first with worry and shock. "Hey, it's alright. We want to help you, not harm you." he said.

Lazine started trembling and got worse and worse the closer he got to her. He was soon right in front of her and she was trembling like a leaf about to break from a tree limb. He held a hand out towards her and she looked at it. She then looked back up and him and grabbed his hand in hers. She could tell that he had smiled.

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