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Rick and I are waiting for Jax and Erica down in the parking garage. I look at Rick's out fit. He just changed his top into a navy blue muscle shirt that very much compliments him to beyond words. I'm wearing a bright blue half shirt that hangs off my shoulder, gray capris and my bright blue boots. I also have on my gray leather jacket. It is of course fall. I look up to Rick's face and notice him checking me out. He licks his lips and moves next to me. He leans against the wall next to me but he looks at me. Nothing needed to be said. His eyes locked with mine and he moved so he had an arm on each side of my arm so I'm pinned against the wall. Not that I mind. I love being pinned by Rick. ;P he leans forward and after a few seconds our lips collide. I run my hands slowly up his chest to his neck and then intertwined my fingers into his hair. We hear a ding and quickly separate. I casually lean against the wall. Jax and Erica walk out of the elevator. "where are they?" Jax asks. we get off the wall and walk to my bike. "let's go!" I say grabbing my keys and walking out of the garage. "woo-hoo!" Erica and Jax squeal. they walk ahead of Rick and I skipping every now and then. They were happy. Hmmm? suspicious. Rick looks at me out the corner of his eye. He wants hold my hand but he doesn't know how I'll react. I just kept walking and after 30 minutes we reach the old haunt. We walk in and are greeted to people playing pool and a few people at tables but most people are at the new installed dance floor and bowling alley. We head to the bar. "keep the drinks coming. they all are free for these three." Rick says to the bartender after we ordered. we head to a booth next to a lane for the bowling alley. Drinks are set in front of us and we all down them. 7 drinks later and we all stand up ready for a game of bowling. Erica grabbed a ball and she threw it. she didn't hit anything. She didn't get a spare either. Then it's Jax. He got a strike. Rick went and he got a strike to. I went and I only hit 5. 5 more. "Here Kate" Rick says coming up behind me. he puts a hand on my hip and another on my ball. he then tells me how to do the ball so I hit them all. he pulled my arm back and then we moved it forward and I let the ball go. I got lost in his eyes until I heard Erica and Jax cheering for my spare. It's Erica's turn and she misses again. Rick gets up and helps her like he did me. Except when she got a spare she pulled him in and kissed him. I drank everything on the table. I ordered 5 shots of the strongest alcohol and they soon sat in front of me. I downed them all and stood up. Jax looked at me concerned. "Kate!" "iiiiiii'mmmm fffineee" I slur. I walk over to the bar and a guy sits next to me. "aaanother vodka pleeease" he slurs. "ill have the ssssame aaas himmm" I slurred. then the drink was set in front of me. I downed it and walked back to our booth to see it is my turn and Jax is glaring at Rick. I grab my jacket. "How many drinks would it take you to leave with meeeeee?" I sing to Jax. he laughs. "Lets get you home" he says. he called a taxi and then I passed out.

Ugh I have such a headache. I look at the clock and it is only 3:53 am. "Ugh great" I groan. suddenly I hear banging and moans. "the neighbors are having sex!" I groan and sling off the covers. I notice I'm in Jax's sweatpants and a tank top. hmm he changed me. I get up and try to ignore the neighbors. I stumble to the kitchen. still being a little tipsy. I walk in to see Jax rubbing his temples. "they are killing me!" he groans. "Well your bedroom isn't next to theirs" I mumble. "Yeah sorry about that" he mumbles. "who is that loud during sex?" I groan as I hear the girl scream. "I don't know. Well I know you are" he smirks. I slap his arm playfully me sit on a stool. He sets aspirin and a glass of water in front of me. I pop in the pills and down them with the water. He sets a place with my special pie in front of me with a cup of coffee. "thanks" I say. "your welcome kitty Kat" he says sitting next to me with a cup and plate of us own. He gives me a look like be knows something that will kill me. "what?" I ask sipping my coffee. "nothing" he says and takes a drink of his coffee. hmm I wonder what the look was about.

"Jax there is a murder" I say softly while shaking him awake. he groans and turns over on the couch. I sigh then grab the glass of cold refreshing ice water. I push him off the couch and he dosent move so I pour the water on him. he jumps up and looks at me angrily. "You're gonna pay!" he says stalking towards me. Sh*t I have no where to go except out the front door so that my option. I run to the front door and run out with Jax hot on my heels. Suddenly I bump into someone. "Jax is gonna kill me" I say and the person pulls me into their loft. The locks click and I look at the person. Rick?!? hmm. "Thanks" I say. "what happened?" he asks. "I poured ice cold water on him." I reply. He laughs. I smile and notice he is only wearing boxers, well he has on a robe but it is opened. He look me over. oh sh*t I forgot that I'm only wearing my girl boxers that end right at my butt, and my pink sports bra with my hair down and still drying. "nice outfit" he smirks. "thanks. Couldn't think of an outfit to wear to bed so I chose this." I shrug. "oh. Hey um I don't mean to invade your boundaries or anything but, that was some pretty loud sex you were having last night." He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "What?? That what woke me up and man did I want to shoot that couple." I exclaim. "hmm. Wonder who it was" he hums. suddenly there is a knock at the door. I look around. "quick in the closest." he says and I sneak over to the closet but keep it cracked so I can see everything. He opens the door and Erica is there smiling? "hey Ricky" she smiles. "hey" he says. she stands on her tip toes and kisses him. they get in to a full on make out session but it is cut short by Jax pushing them out the way. "where is she?" he asks. "who?" they asks. "Katherine where is Katherine Houghton Beckett?" oh sh*t he is really mad. "I don't kn-" before Rick finished the closet door opened al the way and Jax stood there. "you know the consequences for dumping water on me" he says. I shake my head. "oh yes you do my little servant" sh*t! "remember the number 1 rule" he says. "Please! No! Come on! We are practically siblings! you can't do this!" I plead. "come on you own me big time." With that he dragged me out of Rick's loft.

Jax pinned me to the wall out side our loft. "we are siblings" I say. "it's the rules" he says and then suddenly he blindfolds me. I hear movement and a body is pushed on me. hmm I know these lips. Oh my god! Erica! ok that sounded weird! we played spin the bottle with friends. we separate for air and then he pulls my blindfold off. "you are such a jerk!" I yell slapping his chest and running in the loft to get ready.Erica follows me. we get into my room. "I'm sorry Erica" I apologize. "It's ok. I know the rules. It happened to me one time." she sighs. I nod my head and get ready.

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