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I had two choices one not go to school and get ground or two run to school and be late for class. Guess I'll be late have you ever seen your mom pissed off at you for ditching school? I have it's not a pretty sight. I run inside hopefully everyone has already left or I'm screwed. Lucky they were so I ran up to my room and found my stash of enchanted items, (which are illegal don't tell my parents please.) like a hat that lets you read people's minds which is awesome! But no time for that, I need my Nikes they have super speed but they wear out fast. I put them on and speed of to school.

   You know that tv show Flash right? Anyway I could easily beat him in a race right about now. I was doing fine until two blocks away from the school. Remember when I said they wear out fast? Well they wore out and just my luck today I lost control and crashed into a building and it hurt."Ow" I say as I lay there on the ground. "Are you Ok James?" "Yea I'm fine Kira my shoes jut wore out." I say as I look up at her. She has red hair and really athletic she has beat me at a few matches, her hair is bright red kinda like a cherry."Are you sure? Your feet are smoking." She say with a giggle. Wait hold your horses did she giggle, why is she giggling?? " Who are you and what did you do with Kira?" I say as I put on my back up socks and shoes. " I'm Kira you nimrod." She says with a frown and she helps me up." That's the Kira we all know and love."

Now let's get to class or we will have to clean out the stables...again." I say as I rush to class right before the bell rang."SAFE!" My best friend Simon he's slim and kinda looks like a nerd, says like a ref in baseball game? Or is it a match? Oh well. "Mr.Sisco and Ms. Vokits may you please take your seats or I'll write you up again." Mr. White says to us. We do as he says, man isn't he to old to be teaching he's like what 190?
----------Time skip second hour--------

"Yes! It's field training today!" I say as I we walk to our next class we finally get some experience outside of classes. We make it Mrs.Fords hunting class with a few minutes to spare me Kira and Simon sit in the back of the class and we talk about the weapons to use while taking out gnomes and witches, you know the old lady ones with the pointy hats."Alright class sit down and pass up your permission slips for the trip." She says politely and we all pass them up. "Ok class you all have 10 mins to grab your gear and head outside." She says and walks outside of my class. We all rush to back of the class to grab our gear, my gear is a one handed sword with some leather armor and hoodie, Simon a mace and leather amour, Kira a bow and a short sword and guess what leather amour.(All second years gets leather amour.)

We walk out into the big world of Tulsa, yea I know not as big as New York, Chicago, or even Boston but it's where most of  the beasts hang out, I'm not really sure but hey it's cool with me. "Ok class split up into groups of three and warning these groups will be the same group for the rest of your years at school, these are also the groups you'll be living in the dorms with and going on quests so choose wisely." She says. Quickly my friends became a group of course."Ok first off if I catch any of you peeping on me or you will never see the light of day again." She says while pulling out her knife and cleaning the blade. "Yes mama!" Me and Simon day at the same time. "Ok class since everyone is in there groups I'll be passing out street names and that's where you will be going." She says passing out slips of paper."Ok we will be going to E. 55 place? Isn't it that place where they make all of the drill head place there has to be something there. Right? Oh well let's race there, first one there gets first pick deal?" I say. "Deal" Simon and Kira said at the same time. We all race down down to the street weaving between cars.

"I win, I get to choose the best room." Simon say happily."Hardy har har shuda up jeez." I say "now let's get to work before we run out of tome." Kira says as she walks down the street.

"AHHHHHHHHH!"we all heard a lady scream and we race towards the scream. When we got there we say a you guessed it a giant killer rabbit why in the helmet did people make this? "We should run."I say and makes sure my friends were in front of me. The rabbits chases after us." Ok guys we need a plan Kira you get somewhere high and start shooting arrows, Simon you go hide somewhere and attack when I give you the signal!" I say as I run at it. They do as I say and I slash at the rabbits legs while Kira shoots at it."Now!!" I yell and Simon jumps while I duck under him, he hits the rabbit with his mace and Kira arrows in both of its eyes and I slide under him stabbing upwards. The fire trucking  rabbit fell on top of me he could've at least waited for me to get out from under him. I hear my friends yelling my name and them dragging me out from under the bunny. "Oh my god James are you ok? Is anything broken?" Kira says sounding like my mother."Kira I'm fine just a small scratch on my arm." I say looking at my arm and wipe the blood off." See I'm fine." And everything around me goes dark.

And another chapter up and sorry if the fighting scene sucked I'm no good at that type of stuff

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