#13: How You Met

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Joker: You met the Joker while on a rampage, terrorizing Gotham. You were bored and needed something to do. Your friend Harley Quinn asked if you wanted to terrorize the town. You agreed and that's when she introduced you to the Joker.

Harley: You met in Arkham. She was assigned to work with you. You had only seen her a few times and thought she was very pretty. So you asked if she could be assigned to "help" you.

El Diablo: You met when you joined the Suicide Squad. Amanda Waller needed some new members for her Suicide Squad. You happily agreed to join, knowing that you get to be around other people for a change.

Deadshot: You met at a gun range. You wanted to learn about guns and how to shoot them, so you went to the closest range. As you began to shoot, you noticed the man next to you hadn't missed the target at all. He then offered to help you out and you gladly accepted.

Enchantress: Like June Moone, you were walking throughout caves when you bumped into the Enchantress. She was taken aback by you and decided not to take over your body. She wanted to learn from you and be like you.

Captain Boomerang: You both had decided to rob the same bank. You were walking around to make sure no one was there, when you accidentally bumped into each other.

Killer Croc: You were hiding from Batman in the sewer when Croc almost ate you. When you told him about Batman, he completely understood and helped you hide out.

Slipknot: You had been scaling the same building for weeks with a few friends, but today you decided to go alone. You had made it to the top when your rope snapped. You could slowly feel yourself fall and you thought about how this was the end. Suddenly you just stopped and when you looked up you saw him.

Rick Flag: Amanda Waller tracked you down and had you work for the team. So you met when Amanda called you both for a secret meeting.

Amanda Waller: You were hired by Bruce Wayne, to take out Amanda Waller. You had studied her for weeks until the time came for you to do what needed to be done. Little did you know that she knew about you and hired Deadshot to kill you. So you decided to work with each other.

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