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Dear Readers,
This story is based off of true events. Please note that I might get some of the dates off, since this story begins from minor problems in preschool, and back in 2009 to this very second.  I will only put Author's Notes in parentheses and bold, just for information and for reference. If you want, you may ignore them, but I suggest reading them, since they build the story's structure, influence, and information. Leave suggestions at the end of each chapter and enjoy!
Love from, Samara

Your POV
We will start this not-so-tragic, but sick and twisted love story.

Samara... this girl in particular, was very shy... too shy, in fact. The children in preschool thought she was weird all because she had a disease. Now, she had this disease for 2 years so far in this story, it was very contagious, and deadly to infants and old people. You might know it as pneumonia. Samara caught pneumonia when she was three, and had respiratory problems since. (By the time she was seven, she found out her mother was carrying her as a risk pregnancy, and that Samara could've died... Not that Samara wanted to live anyways..........)

     She transferred preschools, mainly because she was constantly being bullied and (being the smart twat that she was) tried to commit suicide when she was just three years old. (Don't ask how and don't ask why.) She only had three friends there, her best friends (and only friends) being Annette, Faith, and Jessica. They were there ever since she transferred preschools. She went to a school called Patricia Nixon Elementary in 2009, and only had Annette by her side. Annette made new friends and Samara knew that Annette wanted to learn more, so she let her be.

     Samara was alone. Everyday at recess, Samara would stay behind in the classroom, hide underneath a table, and cry.  Nobody noticed her or knew she had existed for about three weeks, until her teacher finally spotted her there. And you thought to yourself, "Jeez, she has problems..." Yet there were more people in the world like that.

...and who knew that Connor was one of those people who suffered with her.

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