A Wraith

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Energy dwindling, Allison stumbles several steps back while keeping her hands up to block the next attack. Sweat is dripping down from her hairline, the hair hanging from her ponytail plastered to the back of her neck. She quickly blocks a wild punch by crossing both her forearms just to the left of her face, but as she pushes back with all her weight she loses her footing and ends up turning so her back is to her attacker. An arm wraps around her from behind, her attacker's forearm pressing against her windpipe while her attacker's other hand grabs at the back of her head so she's in a choke hold.

Seconds pass with her struggling and the lack of oxygen is starting to become a problem, so as a last second effort, Allison presses back on her tiptoes before letting her weight drop forward in hopes of pulling her attacker over her back to toss him onto his own. But as she's too weak, she has no such luck.

"Un-uncle!" She taps out.

Sam laughs and lets her go, and Allison stumbles forward only to bend at the waist and rest her hands on bended knees. "That's now six tap outs."

"Yeah, well, it'd be easier if you weren't so tall," she pants.

"The bad guys come in all shapes and sizes, Alli. It's okay to admit that you're a bit rusty."

"Shut your face. Let's go again."

Sam's amusement grows, but he does as she's requested. He gets back into an attacker's stance as Allison takes a moment to catch her breath. When ready, Allison centers herself and then stands to her full height, she giving a terse nod to signify her readiness.

Sam lunges, he striking out with his fists that Allison readily blocks with her forearms. He advances which makes her retreat, but Allison's smart and leads Sam around the room instead of being backed into a corner.

"Stop. Holding. Back!" Allison grunts with each swing.

She kicks out, aiming for Sam's groin which makes him stumble back before she can connect. She jumps forward, using the palm of her hand to powerfully thrust forward so it connects harshly with the center of his chest. The breath whooshes out of Sam at the hard hit and it's his turn to fall back as Allison advances. She swings with such accuracy, but Sam is perfect at blocking each hit towards his head and ribs. However, given their height differences, it leaves him vulnerable to hits to his kidneys and groin.

She ends up utilizing the fact that Sam's afraid of being hit in the groin with her knees, and Allison laughs as she pushes him back further.

"Alright, that's enough out of you."

The next time Allison attempts a punch to the chest, Sam catches one of her wrists. She startles at the sudden change and lashes out with her other fist, but Sam catches that one, too. He pushes back on her upper body, bending her backwards while hooking a foot behind her left ankle to trip her and knock her own. But when he releases her wrists so she falls on her own, Allison surprises him clasping her hands together behind his neck and dragging him down with her.

Using gravity and all her might, Allison falls back into a roll with a brief little jump and presses her feet into Sam's stomach to send him rolling over her. She manages to toss him over and onto his back, and as she continues to roll with their momentum, he lands with an oomph! and she lands sloppily sprawled atop him with surprised laughter. Allison's quick to scramble in position so she's straddling his stomach and pins his own wrists to the ground by his head.

Chest heaving, she laughs triumphantly and wiggles in victory. Only when she glances down at Sam in all his sweaty glory, she finds that his pupils are blown a little too wide for their sparring activity. Not only that, but he's having trouble keeping eye contact with her and she finds that his stare keeps dropping to her lips and chest that's contained merely in a sports bra.

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