Snow Sparrow

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The story? Ahh, yes. The story. The story of a certain little 12-year old girl. And the father? You'll guess it soon. This story, you see. Only a few is lucky enough to hear it. And you, the one reading this right now, is one of the chosen ones. Are you ready to hear the story? The story... of a daughter and father.

"My beautiful daughter. How you've grown up." A lonely mother said to her child. Little 5-year old Snow, with her dark brown eyes full of wonder, glanced up at her mother. She smiled a little, taking her mother's hand. "I love you Mama." She giggled. Her mother smiled, her Spanish accent honey-covering her words. "I love you too, Snow. Always have, always will." She frowned a little at the end, but smiled nonetheless. "Who is my dad?" The 5-year old asked. tears pricking at her eyes. The mother smiled, looking a little sad. "He is a great pirate. Don't ever think that he left us on intention, Snow. His name... is-"

Ah yes. Snow and her mother. But who might the mother be, you ask? I'm sure yer guessed. Proud daughter of Blackbeard, Angelica.
Angelica... she was left on an island so small. And by her lover, nonetheless. Arr yes. Captain Jack Sparrow. Angelica had told him about carrying his child. But, in the situation, it would seem to anyone that she only didn't want to be left alone. But ahh... lying, she was not. As 9 months slowly went by, a beautiful little girl was brought into this world full of Pirates of the Caribbeans. Her mother, being a pirate, taught her the ways of treachery and piracy. As little Snow grew up, her mother fell terribly ill. It was strange, as she had drunk from the Fountain of Youth. However, it would always be a mystery.
And so, by the age of 8, Angelica passed away with a smile, leaving young Snow by herself on the island she called 'home'.

4 years later.
"Land in sight, maties!"
Snow looked up, setting eyes on a ship with at least 4 pirates. She got up, running behind a tree.


"We're on land! Fin'y!" They cheered. Snow watched in curiosity as they dragged the boat on land. They continued cheering, until finally a pirate shouted; "But wha' about Jack Sparrow?! How will we get 'the ship back? We finally had the Black Pearl! That scabrous dog!" The cheering stopped, and so did time for a few seconds. Snow shuffled a bit closer, knocking a rock over in the process. "Stop." One of them said. "Did you hear that?" Another one asked. They looked at each other, before looking over at the many trees. Snow was hidden in the grass, but it wasn't enough to keep her hidden. "There!" A tall one shouted, pointing at her.


She got up, running as fast as she could. But they were too fast. They caught up with her in no time at all. One of them jumped, grabbing her foot, making her tumble over. "Ah!" She made a surprised sound. "Hehehe... look a' that. A lil' missy, eh? What are ye doing on this island'" The one holding her foot asked. He stood up, lifting her up by her foot, so that she was up and down. She could see the other pirates running over to them. "What are ye doing here lil missy?" One of them panted, exhausted from running. "I live here, you scabrous dogs." She replied confidently, crossing her arms. Anger flashed in all of their eyes, as a hand was brought
down on her cheek.


But, she didn't cry. She only let her head rest to the side. "Hold on..." One of them said, gulping. They looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "She... she looks kinda like him, don't she?" They now looked at Snow, who seemed utterly confused by his words. "Him? Who's him?" she asked. "Who 'him' is?" A short one gasped. They set her down on the ground, still keeping a close eye on her. "'Him', is none other than Jack Sparrow." One gulped.

"He is the Captain of the Black Pearl. The ship that every pirate has ever wanted. And the ship that has been cursed." He whispered. It was like he was telling a ghost story. One shook, "Jack Sparrow. He is said to have many tales. Four tales... and only 1 has been uncovered." Snow gulped, inching closer, ignoring the stinging pain in her cheek. "The tale... is how he, picked up a crew in Tortuga, and fought the Captain Barbossa and his crew, who long ago abandoned him on this very island that we're on. Barbossa gave him one gun, with one shot in it. So that if he feared starvation, he could shoot himself. It's the code. However..." He looked out at the sea. By now, the sun was going down, and orange, purple and red danced in colours.

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