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"Maybe I know, maybe I don't." Jack sighed, letting his head fall down onto the grass pillow behind him. Snow just stared at him with wide eyes and a snarl. Was her dad really such an asshole?!

Well, he's always been, but... still.

"I can get you out of here." The determined voice of young William said. Snow turned with a curt nod, and she begged that Jack would say yes.


Suddenly, Will somehow opened the cell, breaking something in the process. Wow... Snow really misses out on a lot when she's spacing out.

She followed them both out, where they both snuck onto a ship. Might she add, the faces that was received was DEFINITELY hilarious.

-Time skip-

Snow snorted, watching Jack being slapped by the two bitches named Giselle and Scarlett. Somehow, she knew it would happen. Well, had happened.


Here she were. Snow Sparrow was staring directly at her dad. Directly at Barbossa. Fighting for the dominant hand. Here she were, staring directly at her dad as he impaled Barbossa, watching with wide eyes as Barbossa only sighed.

Here she were, sweating like crazy when Barbossa took out the sword, impaling her own dad in the stomach.

"DAD!" She screamed. Yet, it was like her voice was carried away by the wind. Not a sound came out.

"DAAAD!" She tried again. Yet to no avail. Jack stumbled backwards. It was like watching in slow motion. As her dad was close to falling backwards, he began falling into the moonlight.

"DAAAAD!" She screamed with all her might. Snow stopped, watching with wide eyes as her dad's eyes wondered to where she were. Just before he fell into the moonlight completely.

As Jack was now fully exposed to the moon, his skin turned to dust, his clothes shredded, and his hair rotted. He was now part of the curse itself, the curse that littered Barbossa's crew.

The curse of the Black Pearl.

Barbossa, too, watched confused. Jack suddenly smirked, and with his bony fingers, tingled the golden coin from each finger to another.

"I couldn't resist, mate." Jack's teeth chattered. Though it was barely noticeable, Snow didn't do anything other than let out a sigh of relief, followed by the famous Sparrow smirk.

"You darn idiot, dad." Her half-crooked smile glittered like gold.


Snow stood behind Jack, waiting for something to happen.


The bullet pierced.

Barbossa sighed.

"Ten years you kept that bullet, and now you waste your shot." Barbossa huffed.

"... He didn't waste his shot."

Snow turned with a curt nod, and watched as William Turner dropped the last glittering gold, his blood staining the unforgiving, cursed coins. Seconds ticked by without failure, and Snow felt as if time itself had stopped.


Until she heard buttons going everywhere.

With a heavy head, Snow looked at Barbossa, watching as he unnoticeably shook his head at Jack, who stood with big eyes. It almost looked like a younger, female Jack stood behind him, watching with the same expression.

Snow SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now