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The princess watched the clock on her nightstand blink angrily into the night. Well, morning actually. It was 12:00 am and Goku was no where to be found. Though she slept many nights without him, that was only because he had died. This time he was alive and the fact that Goku was not home at such an incredibly late hour worried her. The other problem; her Goku is sick and he wasn't home. He went off to King Kai's planet for help at 8:00 pm and didn't come back.

She sighed heavily. She was anxious, afraid, and a little angry. Oh, that Goku better not be training when he's in absolutely no condition to! She carefully sat up in her bed to peer at the small bundle known as Goten. The boy snored noisily, bringing a gentle smile to her lips. 'Like father like son.' Chichi covered Goten in a soft blanket. 'He'll probably throw it off himself as soon as I leave.'

She stood quietly and made her way out of the bedroom, downstairs and into the living room. The stillness of the night sent a chill down her spine. 'Oh Goku, where are you?' And in answer to that question, Chichi heard someone outside jiggling the doorknob. She half tiptoed and half ran in some awkward sprint. She flung the door open and low and behold there stood her husband.

"Goku-sa! What're you doin' up so late? It's 12 in the mornin'!' She hissed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Goku hissed back. He squeezed past Chichi, (who glared at him the whole way) and walked into their dark home. The sick man sat on the soft couch and yawned. Chichi stood in front of him, ready to begin the interrogation.

"I thought you were only goin' to King Kai's place?"

"Yeah, it took me 15 minutes just to get there while usin' instant transmission. Then he told me I have ki displacement disorder thing and-"

"What?!" Chichi interrupted. 'My poor Goku. Sick with some disorder...' Her heart melted for her husband. She truly loved him and wanted the absolute best. To showcase her deep affection, she reached out and sandwhiched her slender hands between his big head. With one thumb she carressed his rough cheek. The warrior melted at her touch. He felt relaxed, comfortable, even safe.

"How do you get better? What do I do?" She pleaded for answers. Willing to do anything to make him well again.

"All you have to do is put up with me while I rest. I'm stuck here for a couplea weeks without training or workin-"

"Goku, I can always put up with you, you big dummy!" Her one hand continued to caress his cheek while the other massaged his scalp. "You're my husband, and my job is to take care of you."

"I know but I-"

"But nothing! I love you, Goku." She spoke sincerly. "And my job is to take care of you." She repeated in a firmer tone. Her fingers felt the heat of his skin grow hotter, as well as the familiar shape of his smile. She smiled in return, happy that he was safe at home. But then again, she was always glad when he came home. Goku placed a calloused hand on her back and brought her closer. Chichi blushed silently. This was his way of saying I love you back.

"Now where'd you go after King Kai's? Hm?" Chichi continued the interrogation while carressing his face.

"I went to farm." Goku replied lazily. Clearly awestruck by how tender she was, he failed to realize how that could upset her.

"What?!" She hissed again. "After you realized you were sick??"

"Um..y-yeah?" He gulped nervously, a bead of sweat began to form at his temple.

The princess stopped in her massaging and roughly tugged a patch of Goku's hair. "Ow!" The saiyan yelped, yet he couldn't help but laugh at his small punishment.

"I'm sorry but we need the money...I mean that's what you say anyways." Goku explained simply. "Besides it only took me three hours!"

"Of course we need the money but I won't have you workin' when you can barely fly! Your health is more important, honey."

"Yeah...that was pretty stupid." He admitted. "Thanks Chichi." He was truly grateful for her endless concern. When money was needed to support the family, she made sure Goku got a job. But as soon as her husband was sick she put everything on hold. She did the same for Gohan and his studies years ago. Hell, the world could've been crumbling to pieces at that very second and Chichi would've chosen what was best for her son. Did Goku think this was unreasonable and just a little too overprotective? At times, yes. But in this case she was right.

Eventually, Chichi stopped her caressing (much to Goku's dismay) to wrap her arms around his neck. In response the saiyan wrapped his hefty arms around her tiny waist.

"I know you hate working and you'd rather be somewhere up in hell training but," she paused for a second while she got lost in those stunning black orbs. With one finger she traced the small scar at the base of his head. "thank you." Before the bashful martial artist could reply, the ex-fighter captured his lips in a deep kiss. It was in this one kiss that the words were stolen out of Goku's mouth. He was left speechless.

"Uhh no problem!" Was all he could manage before his stomach did the rest of the talking.

"I saved the rest of your dinner if ya still want it." She smirked mischievously though she already knew the answer. Goku's eyes lit up at the prospect of food. He stood excitedly and pulled his wife in a tight hug. "Aw Chichi you're the best!" The man gushed. He could feel and hear Chichi's muffled giggles. He treasured the feeling of having her little warm body close to his so he strengthened his hold.

"Shhh.." Chichi whispered while she unburied her head from his strong chest. "We'll wake up Goten, he's sleeping in our room."

"Dad! You're back!" Both parents snapped their heads towards the child's voice. Goku gave his wife one last squeeze of appreciation before untangling himself from her.

"Goten!" Goku made his way to his youngest. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep kiddo?"

"Umm...mayybee?" The child smiled sheepishly while his stubby hand scratched the back of his head. The full blooded saiyan smiled and scooped Goten into his arms.

"Dad, where were you? I thought ya got hurt or somethin'." The demi-saiyan pouted. He looked into his father's eyes with a mix of concern, confusion and even a little bit of anger.

"I'm sorry buddy I got held up. But don't worry I'm okay, I just need ta rest."

"Then why're we headed to the kitchen?"

"Cause I'm hungry like usual, of course!" The family of three laughed while Goku took a seat at the table, and Chichi reheat the food. "Would you care to join me son?"

"Ya mean it dad?" Goten licked his lips in anticipation.

"Of course! Since I'm sick I probably won't eat as much anyway."

The young hybrid's eyes lit up at the idea of food and spending time with his father. "Can we play a game after this?" The boy pleaded. Trying to squeeze as much as he could out of this one offer.

"Noo we have to get to sleep," Goten frowned significantly at his failed attempt, stirring a feeling of guilt within Goku. "but, tomorrow I promise we can play together. Deal?"

"Deal." Goten replied happily. Father and son exchanged smiles and began to eat the food set before them. 'Maybe this displacement thing isn't so bad after all.' The full blood mused.

The End.

A.N. This is one of my more recent stories as you can see by the date below "the end." I've only written 2 DBS fics and I plan on writing more as the series goes along. Ah, I just remembered I'm an episode behind! But check out my other fics! Thanks! ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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