Chapter 13

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     Kendall's POV

     "D-Dalton?" I stammer as the psychotic football player stands before me. I look around wondering how he even got in here, and then I realize that I left a window open. It's not hard to climb up into my room, I could do it with heels on. I mentally slap myself.

     "That's right, babe. I came for you." He smiles like he didn't try to assault me a couple weeks ago. He comes close and puts his hands on my waist. I push him off.

     "Leave me alone. I'm not interested, especially after that stunt you pulled a couple weeks ago." I slam my hand into his chest and he doesn't budge. He looks off like he's thinking back.

     "What stunt are you talking about? Our fun time at the party? Or are you talking about me and Harley? We had a great time. She was pretty much begging for me and she was a great fuck. I would never have thought about her like that if it wasn't for you. She was great don't get me wrong, but I bet you're much better. I get what I want, and what I want is you." His expression turns dark at the end and I'm actually scared. Blake left shortly after he dropped me off, so even if I screamed, no one would come help me. "It's just you and me. No one else. Let's see if you can compare to Harley."

     I panic a bit as he pulls out a knife. I'm scared, if he sent Harley into a coma, I'm scared of what he will do if I fight back. Dalton's expression is smug as he comes and starts to take off my shirt. I don't fight it because I don't want to forget anything. I hear something outside my door but I don't acknowledge it. Hopefully it's someone coming to help me. He starts to unbutton my pants when he forces me down to my knees.

     "If you bite, I'll slice your throat wide open." He commands as he fiddles with his zipper. I start to cry silently so he won't hurt me. He finally gets his pants open and then the door flies open. Dalton grabs me tights and holds the knife to my throat. I start to sob louder now as I see several cops in there. They all have their guns pointed at us.

     "Come closer and I'll slice her wide open." He screams as he backs up towards the window. I know what he's planning on doing. He keeps backing us up towards the window. We get to the window and I don't think the cops know its open. Everything is moving too fast for me to comprehend, but I hear gunshot. I am dragged out of the room crying and I look up to see Harley.

     "Are you ok, Ken?" She asks.

     "So you do remember me then?" I look up at her hopeful. If she remembers me, that would be the greatest thing for me right now.

     "Yeah. I saw Dalton's car outside and called the cops. I'm so glad you're ok, if he hurt you like he hurt me, I don't know what I would do." I can see her tearing up over it.

     "What happened?" Everything was moving too fast for me to process.

     "I got home and I showered and then when I got out I saw the blood on my carpet and I remembered everything. I needed to come over and talk to you. When I walked outside, I saw Dalton's car and I rushed over. I made sure I had my phone and when I got to your room, I peeked in a bit and saw him. I heard him saying how he was going to hurt you, so I called the cops. When they came in, he dragged you over to the window and when he got there he threw you to the ground and jumped out. He was shot and killed instantly. He's gone, Ken." She finishes. I grab her face and kiss her as hard as I can. I am never going to let her go.

     "Harley, I'm so glad you remember me. If you didn't I don't know what I would have done. You are the only thing that's made me happy in a very long time." I can't believe I'm admitting this to her.

     "Kendall, I couldn't have said it better myself." We kiss again, only this time for a little bit longer. "Let's get you a couple sets of clothes and you can stay at my house."

     I nod. We head up to my room and I have to talk to officers, so I tell Harley where things are and what to grab. It's about 20 minutes before I'm done and I tell them that if they need me, I will be with Harley.

     "Ready to go?" Harley says to me as I walked down the stairs. I smile at her and give her a quick peck on the lips before grabbing the bag she prepared for me and we head out.

     "Go up to my room and put on a movie. I'll be up there in a minute." Harley says to me as we walk in. I run up to her room and she the blood stain she was talking about. I drop my stuff next to her bed and go into the bathroom and grab a wet cloth and try to clean it as best as I can. After a few minutes of scrubbing, it's mostly gone now. I put on a movie and Harley still isn't back. I notice that I'm still in jeans, so I change into a pair of fuzzy cookie monster pants and a white tank top. I throw my hair up into a messy bun. I head downstairs to see Harley making popcorn, while talking to someone on the phone.

     "Hey baby, you coming up soon?" I whisper to her. She looks over and smiles at me. She nods to me and points over at the island. I take a seat and start picking on the popcorn.

     "Yeah, ok. I love you, too. I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Harley hangs up the phone. She turns to me with a mischievous smile. "So, my mom got a call from her boss about an emergency business trip. That means that we have the house to ourselves."

     "Do we now?" I get up and walk around the island. I put my hands on her waist and hers on my shoulders. "Harley, what have you done to me? I'm so crazy about you, even though we've only met a couple weeks ago. I've never been happier."

     "Kendall, I've always thought that my first relationship would be with a guy and that I would have kids with a guy, but standing here with you, I don't care. I am so glad I'm with you." I smile so wide when she says this. I think the smile is permanent. I can't help but keep myself off her lips. I love kissing Harley, her lips are so soft and they just move so naturally fluent with mine. It's like they were meant to be together.

     "Harley, will you go on an actual date with me now that we are both out and healthy?" I ask her. I know she's going to say yes, but I felt the need to ask anyways.

     "I would love to. Now let's go watch that movie I promised you." She pecks my lips again and winks as she grabs the popcorn. As she's reaching over, I take this chance to smack her butt. "Hey!"

     "Sorry, it's just really cute." I wink and run up to her room. We cuddle up on her bed while watching Bridesmaids. It's late so we fall asleep pretty early. Despite, being attacked today, I'm glad I got my girl back.

(A/N: I was screaming on the inside as I wrote this. Mis babies are finally happy together. Things are looking great for them. :D )

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