Chapter 25

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     Kendall's POV

     I am currently freaking out. We have about 4 hours until prom and I haven't seen Harley all day. We didn't even go dress shopping together. We wanted to surprise each other. Harley and her mom went about a month ago and then Harley's mom spoke with my dad and took me the day after.

     I am really grateful for Ms. Ravers. She's become a mother figure to me since our mess of a trip a couple months ago. I really want to see Harley and kiss her, but I really do want to surprise her. I had my hair done this morning. It's curled and I got it done into waterfall braid, so it falls nicely.

     I'm on my way to get my makeup done now. My dress is a dark purple. It's tight around my torso with silver lace that has jewels on it. Once it hits my waist, it flows down. The neck is a halter neck and I fell in love the second I saw it. I plan to get purple eye makeup done, to match.

     I'm trying to sit still, but all I want to do is see Harley. I can tell the make up artist is getting annoyed with me. After a while, she finally manages to get it done. I give her a fairly large tip for dealing with me after apologizing.

     "I get it. Gotta look great for that special guy." She gives me a soft smile. I don't correct her, until she asks. "So, what's his name?"

     "Um, her name is Harley." I blush a little bit and smile at the thought of her.

     "I see. She must be pretty special. I've seen plenty of girls come in here and talk about the 'love of their life', but no one has ever been as nervous or bouncy as you." She winks at me before handing me a receipt. "Have fun tonight."

     I leave the salon feeling even more nervous as time goes. I've only got an hour before I have to go to Harley's for pictures. She invited Sage and her girlfriend over for pictures, too. I get home with a half hour to spare. I went to a really expensive salon mildly far away because I want this to be special for Harley.

     I try my best to get into my dress without messing up my hair or make up. It was expensive and it looks damn good. I finally manage to get my dress on. I also got silver heels to go with it. I look in the mirror and I look really good. I head downstairs to see Blake and his date in the living room They wore black and white and they look really good. I hope that me and Harley look that good.

     I take a few pictures with Blake before we head over to Harley's. I'm so nervous. I walk out and see that Sage and her date are already there. I knock on the door and Ms. Ravers answers.

     "Oh my gosh. Kendall you look gorgeous. Blake you look great, too. Come on in. Harley should be down in a minute." She moves aside to let us all in. Her and my dad start a conversation while the rest are in their own. After a few minutes they start to take pictures. I don't move to go to take pictures. Maybe Harley changed her mind, maybe she doesn't want to go anymore.

     I start to think the worst about the night, but I hear Harley coming down the stairs. I spin around a lot quicker than I should. I've never seen anyone so gorgeous. She was wearing a tight black dress with lace sleeves. Her hair is in a tight braid thing, it kind of looks like a side braid, except it looks better. Her makeup is really dark around her eyes. If I thought I was speechless before, I'm on the verge of fainting. I grab the closest thing to me, which happens to be Ms. Ravers.

     "You look stunning." I manage to stutter out, but I'm still trying to breathe, so it's more of a whisper. She blushes and comes further down the stairs. Harley comes over and grabs my hand.

     "You look amazing. Let's take pictures." She pulls me over and we take pictures for a little while. Soon enough, it's time to leave. We all pitched in and got a limo, so we can roll up in style. I can tell Blake feels awkward being in a limo with 5 girls, and 4 are lesbians. He doesn't say anything though.

     We listen to loud music and just talk on the way there. It's about a 20 minute drive because the school rented out a country club. Once we get there, there are photographers everywhere. I guess the school really went all out.

     Inside the whole place is decorated like a red carpet event, photographers taking pictures, loud music, fancy food and stuff. It's nice. I drag Harley over to the punch and we both get a glass. I take a sip before turning to Harley.

     "It's spiked." I roll my eyes and she just laughs.

     "Let loose Ken. It's our prom." She puts a hand on my shoulder and lightly rubs.

     "I would like to remember tonight, if that's ok. I'll just get a water." I shake my head and head towards the bowl of water bottles on the other end of the table. I grab one and take a long sip. Harley come over and wraps an arm around my waist before leading me to our table.

     "There's going to be food soon. After we eat, I want to dance." She whispers in my ear. I give her a nod but my face says panic. I can't dance for shit. We sit and talk for a little bit, before Sage and Kayla, her girlfriend, sit down with us. Blake and his date join us after them. We all talk for a bit.

     We hear Principal Dee come up on stage and start to talk to us. He gives the whole "be safe, don't be dumb" speech he gives every holiday. After he finishes, the waiters start to bring out the steak dinners. There were vegetarian options, but Harley and I aren't by any means vegetarians. It took us a bit to finish the meal and we just sat digesting the food for a bit.

     "I want to dance, please?" Harley begs. I think she knows how to get me to say yes to anything because she puts her hand on my bicep and rubs lightly, kind of like she did before. I give a slight nod before she smiles like a goofball. She grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor.

     I sway in place for a bit before Harley grabs my hands. She starts to dance all crazy like and in the end, I'm dancing all crazy like with her. It doesn't matter because everyone else is doing the same thing. No one cares, but everyone is drunk out of their minds. It's all fun, though.

     At the end of the night, we head to Harley's house. Blake and his date had won prom king and queen, so I'm pretty happy for them. We both change out of our dresses rather quickly and Ms. Ravers had left us covers for our dresses. We lay on her bed for a while just reminiscing on the    night.

     "I had a lot of fun tonight." Harley breathes out. We washed off our makeup, too. She still looks gorgeous though.

     "You looked amazing tonight. Even Sage couldn't keep her eyes off you." I grab her hands and hold them close.

      "I didn't notice. I couldn't keep my eyes off you." She leans over and kisses my forehead. "I'm, uh, I'm ready. If you want to."

     Before she had a chance to say anything else, I press my lips against hers. She kisses me back and soon our tongues are wrestling. I move my lips from her and start to kiss down her neck to her collarbone. I suck on her collarbone and she lets out a moan. She moves her hands down to the hem of my shirt and starts to pulls.

     "Harley, are you sure?" I ask. All I get is a nod, that's all I need.

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