The Truth

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(Isabel POV)

Levi and I both turned around to a tall,brown haired boy who looked like he was about to cry. I felt sorry for him, but I was confused how he knew Levi. Wait, is this the Eren boy Levi was talking about? Oh crap, he must think I'm on at date with Levi....

"E-Eren?" Levi stuttered (A/N: OMG Levi stuttered!!!), "Oi, this isn't what you think it is-"

"Do you think I'm an idiot???" Eren interrupted, "Well I guess I am to think that someone like you would like me."

And with that he ran out of the coffee shop. But I didn't stay there, I felt too guilty. So I decided to run after Eren, he was way faster than I thought; yet I wasn't going to leave him alone. I looked behind me, surprisingly Levi wasn't behind me. He must of stayed at the coffee shop.

"Go away!!! I don't want to see either of you!!" Eren shouted.

"Hey,"I started to say, " it's not what it looks like. I'm Levi's cousin, not his girlfriend."

"And I'm supposed to believe you!!!" He shouted.

"Well that's truth, but it's up to you to believe it!!" I said back.

"You have sass just like Levi..." He mumbled.

"Just cause you mumbled doesn't mean I can't hear you." I told him, "And do you really think Levi would do that to the first person he's ever really loved?"

(Eren's POV)

Wait, did she just say I was the first person Levi's loved?

He really feels that way?

"Really?" I say back.

"Yes, he hasn't shut up on how he think you might be the one!" The girl said back.

"Oh, I guess I wasn't thinking.." I responded

"No you weren't, now let's go back to Levi. By the way I'm Isabel!" She said.

--time skip brought to you by screaming Armin--

When we got back to the coffee shop, we saw the ambulance....

"No, he can't be...." Isabel said.

I looked over to where the people were. I didn't see the who it was at first until....









A/N: Sorry if you want to kill me now... Luckily I already started the next chapter so it won't be that far away (hopefully).

The next chapters will be maybe more emotional. At least I'll try to make them more emotional.

So with that be said....

Sorry for writing errors!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Stay awesome!!

And make the most out of the last weeks or day of summer (sadly)!!!


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