Introduction: Meet Nellie Elsinger

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Nellie lived in the Rocky Mountains.  Her parents had been born there, but then they moved to New York where Nellie and her sister, Rihanna, who was now sixteen, had been born.  They had moved back to Colorado when Nellie was five.  Now Nellie was twelve, and they all lived happily in a mountain cottage together.  Their cottage was small, only four rooms: living room and kitchen in one, a bathroom, and two bedrooms, but it was a happy house.  In Nellie and Rihanna's room, there was a bunk bed, a shelf, a desk, and a dresser.  Nellie and Rihanna were very good friends, and didn't mind at all sharing a small room.  The bathroom was a full bathroom, being their only one.  The living area had a couch, coffee table, and entertainment set, and the kitchen was a small basic one.  On a normal day, Nellie woke up at seven o'clock and joined her family in the kitchen for breakfast. 

After breakfast she would catch the bus and ride to the school on the mountain.  It was a very pleasant place, not having as many children as a regular school.  Nellie would sit with her best friend, Ella, and together they would learn lots of things: math, geography, science, and many others.  

After school Nellie would do some of her homework, and save the rest for after supper.  She would play with Rihanna in the garden, do crafts, or other things until supper.   They would have a good meal, finish their homework, and go to bed.  On the weekends Nellie and her family would have family game night and family movie night.  

During summer break, Nellie was allowed to get up at seven thirty if she wanted.  They would have breakfast, and at least once or twice every summer they would go down the mountain and go swimming.  Nellie loved it.  She missed swimming very much, and when they could go she was very happy.  During the summer Nellie did lots of other fun things.  She went to camps, such as cooking camp, gymnastics camp, or just an overnight camp.  

That was how Nellie's life was.... at least before this story happened.  

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