Learning Magic

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Emma's brilliant idea ended up to be to teach Nellie magic that would help her get back up to normal size and easily find her way back home.  She registered Nellie for a magic school, even thought Nellie thought she would only be here for a few hours.

"Actually, Nellie, when you get back to the real world, it will be the same time as it was when you left," Rose said. 

"Wow, that's cool!" Nellie said. Emma nodded. 

The next day Nellie started school.  Rose, Emma, Mary, and Abigail taught there.  They magically made a duffel bag appear that had magical school books.  

When she first got to the school, she felt out of place.  Hundreds of fairies in training were flying or walking around, out of doors and down corridors.  But Emma suddenly flew out from one room and saw Nellie.  She rushed over to her. 

"Nellie, look.  It'll be great.  It's much more interesting than regular school, and don't worry, just because you're not a fairy doesn't mean you won'r learn well.  You can do this, I know you can," Emma said.  Nellie thanked her for the encouragement, and looked at her schedule.  She had history magic first.  Emma walked her to her first class, gave her a thumbs up, and walked off to her office.  Nellie took a deep breath, and walked in.  All the seats except one were filled with fairies in training.  She gulped, but sat down.  Luckily, Mary was the teacher. 

"Good morning, students.  Today we have a new student.  Nellie Elsinger came from the real world, and she got an unexpected power to shrink things.  She wandered too far, and is worried how she will get back to her home.  Ms. Emma registered her for summer school: training fairies to do magic, even though she is not a fairy.  I think she will do very well, and I want you to all be very nice and welcoming to her," Mary said. 

"Ms. Mary?  How long will Nellie be here?" one fairy asked. 

"As long as she wants, Delanie,"Ms. Mary said.  "Now class will start."

Over the next few days Nellie learned lots of things.  She was given a wand, and she used it to do much magic.  She was surprised how good she was without being a fairy.  She also made many friends, Delanie, Corrie, Riley, and more.  She was surprised how well she was getting along. 

One day in Ms. Eleanor's class, Nellie learned how to bring things back to real size; she listened very well in that class.  Ms. Eleanor explained how to wave your wand, and what to say.  Nellie learned quickly, and soon knew lots of spells.  She also knew that she should go back home soon, but this place was so wonderful.  Just a little longer.   

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