Unexpected Powers and the Start of a Visit to Orchid Valley

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"Thank, you!" Nellie said taking her peppermint chocolate chip shake from the waiter.  She was at an ice cream parlor with her friends.  They had just finished a test at school and came to the parlor for a treat.  

"Maybe after this we should see if we can go to the park," Emily suggested.  

"Well, I was thinking we could go down to the creek," Aubrie said.  Everyone thought that sounded great, and they left licking their milkshakes and ice cream cones.  

  After playing at the creek, Ella and Nellie walked home together; Ella was coming over for a playdate/sleepover.  They played in her room together, then went outside to ride bikes until dinner.  Nellie and Ella rode around the neighborhood for about twenty minutes before Nellie's mom called her on her phone and they had to ride back home.  

When they got inside dinner was ready, and smelled delightful.  Chicken, potatoes, and beans was their Friday night meal.  Nellie's mom always made the best chicken.  It was juicy and tender and chewy.   Nellie always asked for seconds and thirds.  Tonight was special though, since Ella was over, and Nellie's mom had made a rich chocolate cheesecake for dessert.  It was delicious  After dinner the girls watched "A world of wonders" while they snuggled up in their sleeping bags and ate popcorn.  Nellie and Ella loved watching the movie of how a group of girls went around the world and had many adventures and learned lots of things about the world.  

After the movie was over, Nellie and Ella tiredly brushed their teeth and hair and climbed back into their sleeping bags.  They chatted and giggled together until they were too tired and fell asleep having wonderful dreams of going around the world together.  

The next morning when the woke up, Nellie and Ella had no idea what surprise they would have at breakfast.  Nellie's mom had made a beautiful tray of biscuits, eggs, bacon, and potatoes.  That was quite a surprise, but after all it was Saturday morning when they usually had a big breakfast.  They even bigger surprise happened when Nellie reached for another biscuit.  As she  took hold of it, It immediately shrank.  Nellie screamed.  Nellie took the spoon to get some more eggs, but it shrank, too.  Ella's mother came to pick Ella up.  While Nellie's parents tried to figure out why this had happened, Nellie and Rihanna went outside.  They chatted about what they thought had happened.   The decided to play hide and seek after chatting for a few moments.  Rihanna started counting too fifty while Nellie hid.  She decided to go exploring a little deeper than normal, where she could find a great hiding spot, that would be hard for Rihanna to find.  Nellie found a group of big bushes.  She touched them to see if they were prickly, forgetting that she would shrink it.  She soon decided to hide in a small cave.  She suddenly tripped on something and grabbed her leg.  Suddenly, she herself shrank. She screamed as she saw Rihanna trudging towards her.  Nellie waved her arms and yelled but it was no use.  Rihanna could not see or hear her, and she was coming closer.  Nellie ran.  As fast as her little legs would take her through the now tree-tall grass blades.  She suddenly tripped on a log-size stick, tumbled over it and started rolling.  Down, down, down.  Down the hill and down the valley.  The last thing she remembered was feeling deep pain in her leg.  

The next thing she knew, she was in a bed.  Three worried-looking fairies hovered over her. 

"Where am I?  What's happening?" Nellie exclaimed. 

"Don't worry, child.  You're safe.  You just took a fall.  Lucky you landed here," one fairy said comfortingly.  Nellie looked at her leg.  It still hurt a little bit but she could see a cast on it.  She assumed she had broken her leg when she fell.  

Soon she was better and was able to heave herself into a wheelchair.  One fairy rolled her outside the hospital.  Nellie gasped.  It was beautiful.  Dazzling sparkles fell down from the sky.  Orchids covered the path.  Fairies fluttered and flew.  

"Welcome to Orchid Valley," one fairy said.  The group of fairies took me to a fairy house.  It was very pretty inside.  There was a bed in one corner, and a desk beside it.  There was an opening in the roof above the bed.  Nellie expected that that was for the fairies to fly up in.  They all waved their wands and surprisingly, they made Nellie float up into the hole.  They flew up after her.  Nellie looked around.  This room was very pretty, too.  There was a bed and a desk, and a shelf.  

"You may stay in our guest room," one fairy said.  Nellie guessed she would be staying here for a few days.  We went back downstairs for tea, and the four fairies told me their names: Rose, Mary, Emma, and Abigail.  Mary served Nellie and the other fairies lemon curd sandwiches and small caramel cakes.  They were very delicious.  Nellie enjoyed them quite much.  Nellie then explained exactly how she had gotten to Orchid Valley.  

"Well," Emma said.  "I think I have an idea."     

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