Chapter 1: Introduction to Ava

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    Soulmate: (Noun) A person with whom one has a strong affinity, shared values and tastes, and often a romantic bond. I never believed in soulmates. Ever since I was a little girl and I saw my mother's heart shattered by the man that vowed to never leave her. My father was a poor excuse of a man. When he married my mother he married her out of spite for her father. He never truly cared about her or me. His multiple deceits would hurt her until she finally decided to leave him. That was the day she became a single mother to a girl that was too involved in books to truly understand what was going on. Perhaps that is why I do not miss him. My mother tried to find me another father and that aggravated me beyond belief. Eventually she gave up and in turn, the Gods granted her a soulmate. At least that is what she says. Due to him living across the country we had to move from beautiful warm Florida to cloudy rainy Seattle. I was sad to leave the place I was raised in but at the age of 16, I didn't have a choice. I should tell you all about me.

   My name is Ava Summers. I am 16 years old. I have brown hair and dull gray eyes. I'm not fat nor am I skinny. I am a mix in the middle. I am half American on my father's side and half Greek on my mother's. I have my mother's pale complexion with a hint of a tan due to living in Florida for most of my life. I wasn't super popular in my old school. I had some close friends that I will miss dearly. It was hard saying goodbye and multiple tears were shed by us all. Amberly, my best friend, made me promise to call her as soon as we arrive at our new home. My mom's name is Zoe Summers she married my stepfather Letus Talos. My mother's name means life in Greek. She ended up marrying a Greek somebody her father finally approved of. Letus co-owns a company with his brother Somu. My stepfather has a big family but I haven't had the chance to meet them yet. I wonder if I am the only child in the family. 

Disclaimer: Any publication of this book without authors consent is illegal. I don't know a lot about Greek culture just what I have seen on tv and read about. This story in no way is a mean for me to put down somebody's culture, religion, or beliefs. That is not my intention. If you feel that I am please message me and I will see what I can do. Any likeness to a real life person is purely coincidental. 

Let me know what you think so far. Enjoy lovelies. xo-Viorica

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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