are you- chapter 37

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Our wedding was so close. Just 2 more weeks. We didn't really plan anything special before it. We just wanted to be married. It wasn't a big deal to have these wedding traditions that people normally have. We didn't care about that. We just wanted to be a family. We already are a family, but we wanted to just start our lives together. We didn't want to be apart. 

Otis asked " so are we having a bachelor party!!!" Matt looked at him " no.. no!" Hermann asked " why!! why not." I laughed " we don't want that.." Otis looked at me " you don't or Dawson doesn't.... Lieutenant!" I laughed " you can do whatever you want..." Matt looked at me " really..?" I smiled " sure!" Kidd looked at me " and you... what are you doing?" I laughed " nothing.... I just want to be married!" She laughed " no were doing something.. the both of you... your getting something!" Kidd looked at Otis " you handle Casey... I'll handle Dawson!" I laughed " I guess we are doing... something! screw keeping things simple!" 

You Will Be Loved, Always - A Dawsey/ Chicago Fire Season 5 storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora