1: ryan

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Six years goes by faster than you'd think. If I'm being honest, my life had changed for the better since we left. The only downside is that every year on July 6th, my social medias got spammed with shit like 'Why'd you leave?' or 'Come back!' and other things along those lines. It got tedious. Basically, Cassidy and I had learned to just avoid the internet in general on that day. In 2010, after "Take A Vacation!" took off, I asked Cassidy to move in with me. We now live happily in Los Angeles, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

"Ry?" Cassidy called from downstairs.


"Come here." she ordered. I pushed myself off the armchair in our bedroom and headed downstairs, my sock-clad feet sliding on the tiles once I reached the end of the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Cassidy, leaning on the counter and reading what looked like a letter.

"What is it, babe?" I asked, sliding my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder. She passed me the note,

"Read it." I moved off her shoulder and took the piece of paper, skimming it with my eyes.

You have been invited to Adam Levine's Halloween Bash!

"Do you want to go?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "I think it'd be fun." I looked at the note and back up to my girlfriend.

"Why not?" I smiled, and she did the same. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pushed our lips together. I pulled away, "But, only if I can be a gremlin." I said, grinning.

She rolled her eyes, "Fine." I smiled and kissed her once more before sliding on my socks toward the fridge to get some orange juice.


"How about this one?" Cassidy asked, twirling around in a fairy costume.

"You were a fairy last year, weren't you?" I said, leaning back in the squishy chair outside the change rooms. We'd already found my costume, now it was time for Cassidy to pick one.

"Right, shit." she sighed, "I don't know what to be." She looked up and something behind me caught her eye, "Oh, yes. I'm going to be Mrs. Incredible." Cassidy grinned and walked over, picking up the costume off the rack and waltzed right back into the dressing room. After about two minutes the door unlocked and she stepped out. I nodded approvingly,

"Not bad, do you like it?" I asked. She nodded and turned back to look in the mirror. "Okay, let's buy it then we'll head out." I smiled. She walked back in and I waited for her to get changed again and she walked back out. We headed to the cash and payed for our costumes. Once the door opened in front of us, we were hit with the overwhelming humidity.

"Holy fuck, I now remember the one reason why LA sucks." Cassidy chuckled and I laughed. We got into my car and as I put the key in, she looked at me, "Ry."

"Yeah, babe?" I asked curiously. There was about a minute of silence as I watched her think through what she was going to say. My eyebrows were furrowed, since she looked rather conflicted. She took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"You... you don't think Brendon will be there, do you?" she said quietly. I didn't even think about that. There's no question that if we were invited he would be too.

"I... Probably. But, don't worry. If we see him, we'll just be polite and talk to him and if anything happens we'll leave." I said, and took her hand in mine, rubbing circles on the back of her hand, "Is that okay?"

She took a deep breath, "Yeah. Yeah that's fine. I just hope he's still not angry. We moved on, but Brendon can sure hold a grudge." she laughed weakly and I offered a smile. I leaned over and kissed her temple. I started the car and drove us home, my mind filled with the sudden realization that my ex-friend would be there. He didn't know that Cassidy and I got together. I really hoped things wouldn't go to shit if we happened to meet him, but all I knew is that if he tried anything with Cassidy, I'd beat his ass.

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