The Weasleys

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As they were sitting down to the breakfast Sirius had made, there was a small pop outside and a knock at the door. Remus stood to answer it. He pulled out his wand and cautiously put his hand on the brass doorknob. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a tall boy with freckles and bright red hair.

"Fred, this is a surprise." Remus gestured for him to come in. He quickly closed the door.

"Remus, I--I didn't know what to do. He--he attacked us." Fred tried to form understandable sentences. His shirt sleeve had been ripped off and his arm was bleeding.

Remus pushed him toward the kitchen and made him sit down. Hermione, not hungry, left her breakfast and immediately got up to find bandages. Everyone else was just as surprised to see Fred as Remus was.

He was sat in Hermione's empty chair next to Ron and given a glass of water along with a fresh plate of eggs and bacon. Hermione returned and carefully began to wrap his arm. After he'd calmed down, enough to eat something, they started asking questions.

"What happened?" Everyone except Harry asked at once.

Fred took deep breath. Resting his head on his good arm, he said, "You-know-who shows up at Diagon Alley and goes berserk. He searches through all of the stores that you went to. He came to us first because one of his Death Eaters heard George's radio announcement and then he went to Flourish and Blotts and then Ollivanders. He set Zonko's on fire and when he tried to get information out of George--" His voice caught as he started crying. Ron put a hand on his back in support, starting to tear up a little himself. Fred continued. "He made one of the Death Eaters cut off George's ear. I was in the back room and I heard all of it happen. I got away but I don't know what happened to George."

Everyone was silent. Harry however, wanted to shrink into the wall.

"He did all of that because you helped me?" He asked.

"It's what he does, Harry. He's trying to get to you." Draco said. "He tortured my mum when he found out I wouldn't become a Death Eater. He hurts people close to you and tries to break you."

There was a series of pops in the courtyard outside. Sirius and Remus ran to the door knowing it could be friend or foe. The others stood in the kitchen, wands ready. Even Fred.

This time, there was no reason to be alarmed because in came a hoard of people with red hair and freckles. A short woman was at the head of the line. She rushed into the kitchen and threw her arms around Fred.

"We got an owl from Tom at the Leaky Cauldron." The woman said as she took a seat. "He said he hoped you'd come here."

The oldest of the red heads, a man who was starting to gray a little sat next to her. He looked around the room before turning to Fred. "Where's George?"

Everyone was silent.

"You-know-who got him." Sirius said. "Fred's lucky he got away."

Harry was again reminded that someone had sacrificed themself for him. He tried to hide among the crowd of people, but Sirius wouldn't let him do that.

"Not all is lost though. We did finally find Harry." He said in an attempt to lighten the mood. Sirius gestured around the room to all the new faces. "Harry, meet the Weasleys."

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