18-Red (Brief chapter)

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I feel his hands pass through mine as he falls.
He hits the ground, and stops moving.
I begin shaking so hard some teachers try and get me into the hospital.
I point to Apollo.
They roll up thier noses and thier upper lips in disgust.
One growls, "Bring that in? No way, missy."
I look down at his barely breathing form.

I remember a passage about death of a king rider.
It said if they were truly dead, or dying, their blood would be red until their truly beloved touched it.

Then, it remains golden until somebody else touches it.
A small smear of gold rests on my hand.
He groans, and wriths.
A podgy woman waddles out, and looks at Apollo.

She seems so sad, but I've never seen Apollo around her.

She begins to tend wounds, and I stoop to help.

Shade is passed out too, but I know he's fine.

The woman looks at his blood, and it turns black with a gold sparkle.
I step in it, and it glows a gold.
I hear dragonic cough.
Pandora steps forward, and sits on her haunches like a dog.
She takes off the bandages, and licks the wounds.
Shockingly, none of his injuries transfered over. L

I ask her why, and tear brim her eyes like an over flowing dam.

She growls, voice wavering with sad humor, "The bast@rd blocked me off instead of healing himself."

I realize that was the cause of his black blood.

Then, she rubs her neck mid lick.
A scar appears, and she backs away.

Then, she sits down.

I ask, "So?"

She re adjusts to see into my eyes.

She growls, tail swishing, "Tinted sword. No guarantee of success. Won't kill me, but may kill him....maybe."

I nod, and notice how he seems to be disappearing.
Pandora lets out a low, mourful, wolf-like cry.
Then, an amazing thing happens.
Pandora is replaced by a beautiful woman.
Her tears don't even ruin her amazing make up.

A man appears beside her, hair a silvery gray.

He's the same height as Apollo, but seems wider.

His muscles are also more pronounced.

I look back to see him gone.
I burst into tears, and his brother appears beside me.
He hugs me, much to Pandoras' obvious distaste.
She growls, "See you in the kingdom Shade."

The two dragon people disappear leaving Shade and I standing in a puddle of gold beside the Weeping Willow.

What now?

I look up at Shade, and smile weakly.
He hugs me again.
I smile, and hug him back.
I think I understand what's going on.

We walk away, to go live our lives in peace.

A/n I'M SORRY! Or am I? Mwahahahaha!

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