21- WHAT!

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A raspy voice echoes from the stranger at knife point, "Brother! Help me!"

I ask, unable to see through the hood on his suit, "Who are you?"

He chokes as the sword presses deeper, "I....am....Apoll..."

Blood drips down his neck now.
A richly dressed man is shaking and quivering.

I take action, decidig I should save this tards @$$.

I stab the arm of the gaurd holding the man captive, and the gaurds scatter.

The captive falls to the floor, and a golden fluid leaks from his neck at an alarming rate.

He coughs like a dying man.
He suddenly heals himself, and rises to his feet.
He towers a foot over me, making him a good seven feet tall.

A man is collapsed in the corner, and the mans' face is bruised a bit.

I ask, "I never caught your name?"

He smiles, and extends a gloved hand, "Apoll..."
The rich man growls a warning, and thr man growls back.
I'd have to say the secound man won, because the older man rushes away like a scared child.

He finsishes in a whisper, "Apollo Farthing. Although, I'm suprised at you, sir."

At first, the name fails to ring a bell.

I ask, "Why so?"

He chuckles, and replies, "I see Libia had you bussy enough to forget a fair bit, eh? She told me no one forgot this suit, but I see she was wrong..."

I feel my head start to swim.
I trip over a shard of glass, and fall to the floor.

Apollo moves a matress from who-knows where under me.

I land on it with a quiet grunt of suprise.

He smiles as I ask him where he got it.

He raises a gloved hand, then a loud squeel of suprise echoes through out the castle.

He holds back laughter, and I notice the tailor is gone.

I raise my eyebrows.

He comments, "A matress for my life seems fair, no?"

I realize that I need to get Libby up here, to show her I'm not crazy.

I ask my brother, "Will you please take me to Libbia? I need to bring her here."

He smiles, and gestures for me to come.
He chuckles about young love under his breath, and he walks out.
We end up in a courtyard after a few quick turns.

He changes into the standard uniform for the school in a swirl of wind.


Then, alarmed, I ask,"How often do you come down? To Smogglem, I mean?"

He smiles, an evil smile.

He calls, "PANDORA! CI please!"

A big white expanse covers the clouds.

I panic as the world goes black for a while.
Apollo just stands proudly.
Then, it's bright again.
Then, I realize why it looked dark.

Pandora was blocking the sun?

Ario appears, then cowers back.

A metallic white dragon the size of Mountain Hugeo at its' base, a mountain three hundred meters tall and about as wide at the base, lands in front of us.
Its' wings cover the huge courtyard, which is a few hundred meters from the middle to any given  side.

I hear Ario screaming pleas to not be eaten.

The dragons' voice booms like it's masters', except it makes the entire castle shake violently.

She booms, "SHADE! Good to see Libby has been treating you well!"

I fall flat on my a$$, and she has a good natured laugh.
My smirking brother helps me to my feet, and he backs up a meter or two, and begins to run.
He takes a nice leap, and uses his Air whip to throw him into the saddle.

Pandora warbles warmly at her master, and I simply gape.

Nobody will ever reek havoc here. Pandora would eat the army.

Pandora must be sensing Arios' fear, and warbles to her.
Now, Ario is a big dragon, but Pandoras' head is bigger than Ario by a landslide.

Ario bows, then disappears.

Apollo sighs, and Pandora goes into a crouch.
Apollo looks at me expectantly.

I cry, "You want me to get on?"

He nods, and I can tell their laughing at me.

I ask, "How?"
Apollo sighs.

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