Chapter 2: Holtz's Reply

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Holtz walked into the bathroom and held back Abby's hair while she got sick. "It's alright, Abs."

"Did you read it?" Abby asked between dry heaves.

Holtz didn't lie, "Yes, I did."

Abby sighed and sat back, away from the toilet. "I think my stomach is finally settling. What did she say?"

"Do you want me to read it?" Holtz figured Abby couldn't have read the entire message in her drunken state of mind, she probably only saw the name and her gallon of eggnog came back to visit.

"Yes," Abby admitted, reaching for a washcloth to pat her hot forehead. "Please, Holtzy."

Holtz grabbed the phone from her pocket and read the message, word for word. "You okay?"

"Mhm," Abby sighed. "What impeccable timing of her," she joked. "Should I respond?"

Holtz cringed, she wasn't entirely sure what to tell Abby to do. Not even two hours ago, Abby was dropping Erin's ornament out the window, letting go of their past. Now here she is, wanting to meet up with Abby and talk about things.

"Soo, should I?" Abby asked again. She stood up and flushed the toilet.

"If you want to, Abby," Holtz didn't know what to say, she just wanted to be supportive. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I know," Abby responded. "Let me sleep on it. We can decide in the morning."

Holtz nodded in agreement and took the washcloth from Abby's hands and ran it over her forehead. "You can definitely use some rest."

"You're right," Abby agreed as she walked out of the bathroom after using some much needed mouthwash. After a few minutes, Abby had changed into her pajamas and settled into her side of the bed, right of course. She fell asleep almost instantly, Holtz didn't have such an easy time. She just lay in bed next to Abby, and listened to her steady breathing with the occasional snore.

After what seemed to be hours, Holtz got up from the bed and went back into the living room. She couldn't stop thinking about how badly Erin's message affected Abby, even if the alcohol was partially to blame. One message that Abby didn't even read and she's in the bathroom puking her guts up. Holtz was afraid to think what would happen if Abby and Erin were to meet up again and talk things through. She was afraid to lose the best person she'd ever met.

"What are you doin', Holtzy?" A voice came from behind the couch.

"Oh, did I wake you up? I'm sorry," Holtz apologized in case she or the TV had woken Abby up.

"Don't worry, you didn't," Abby came further into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Holtz. "Is everything okay?" She cuddled up next to her Holtzy.

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep. I got a lot on my mind, you know? This night was a little stressful for both of us," Holtz admitted, running her hands through Abby's hair. "Are you okay?"

Abby sighed, "I think so. I just can't believe Erin messaged me. On Facebook of all places. I don't know if I want to talk to her or not. But either way, it won't involve you. Erin can't change how much I care for you. You really came into my life at a point when I needed someone like you the most."

Holtz smiled and planted a small kiss on Abby's head. "Same for you. I don't know where I'd be without you, or who I'd be without you. You mean the world to me."

"Holtzy," Abby sat up and faced her. "I didn't know I meant so much to you."

Holtz smiled, "Everything."

Abby leaned in and kissed Holtz lightly, before settling back down into Holtz's arms, where she fit perfectly. "Can we sleep here tonight?"

"Yeah, we can," Holtz replied as she turned the TV down and put on a nightly talk show.

They both lay there together, cuddled up on the couch, for a while. Maybe an hour, before Abby's phone on the table made the Facebook Messenger sound again.

"Can you get that, Holtzy?"

Holtz nodded and leaned down to pick up the phone. She saw another message from Erin. "It's her again," Holtz sighed. "Do you want me to read it?"

"Yes, please."

Facebook message:

Erin Gilbert: I don't want to be annoying, but I can see that you've read my message. Can you please reply, Abby? Even if just to tell me to leave you alone and never bother again. Just something. Please, Abby? If you want nothing to do with me, just tell me and I'll stop. Have a good night, Abby.

"Well," Abby sighed. "I don't want to talk to her."

"I'll reply for you. Is that okay?" Holtz asked.

"Go for it. Just don't be too harsh, alright?"

"No promises," Holtz teased.

Facebook message:

Abby L. Yates: Hi Erin. This is Holtzmann. Abby's research partner. Ring a bell? Well, I'm here to tell you that we are more than research partners. She is my spouse, significant other, companion, girlfriend if you will. We are happy and living together and she does not want to talk to you, okay? Please exit her life stage right. Happy holidays.

"Is this good to send?" Holtz asked Abby's permission before sending it. "As long as you're comfortable with it."

"Send it."

"Are you sure?" Holtz had a look of concern on her face. "Once I press send, it can't be undone."

Abby took in a deep breath, "I'm sure. Do it before I change my mind. I hope it leaves a sour feeling in her stomach like it did to me."

"That is partially to blame on eggnog and bourbon," Holtz teased. "But here goes." She pressed send and sighed, sitting back into the couch next to Abby. After what seemed like two seconds, the little icon appeared next to the message that indicated Erin had opened it already.

"Now we wait and see if she replies, I guess," Abby sighed and curled up into Holtz's arms, where she fell asleep as they waited for Erin to reply. Holtz couldn't sleep so easily, not knowing what was going to happen. Abby meant more to her than she could ever explain, words could do no justice. Holtzmann sighed and put the phone on silent before curling up with Abby on the couch. If Erin replied tonight, Holtz didn't want to see it. She wanted to enjoy these few moments she had with Abby, since they could be limited now. "Goodnight, Abby," She spoke with a softness, and drifted off to sleep with Abby under her arm.

// AN: I know this is going super slow paced as of right now, but it's going to pick up soon. I promise! Hope you all enjoyed :)

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