Chapter 3 - One Little Lie

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The next morning, Abby woke up before Holtz, which wasn't rare. Abby had to maneuver her way out of Holtz's arms without waking her, not an easy task. She finally did it, and noticed her phone on the table. Last night, they fell asleep before they could see if Erin replied. Abby was tempted to wait for Holtz to wake up to check the messages, but she couldn't resist and grabbed the phone on her way into the kitchen. She hit the power button and sure enough, there was a notification of a message from Erin. Or, twelve notifications.

Facebook message:

Erin Gilbert: Thank you, Holtzmann, but please let Abby talk to me. I'm not trying to be malicious or hurtful. I just want to speak to Abby.

Erin Gilbert: Abby, if you're there, please answer okay?

Erin Gilbert: I'm going through some things right now and I need you.

Erin Gilbert: Please Abby. I need someone right now and you're the only person I can go to.

Erin Gilbert: Come on Abby, I know you're there. You've got to be.

Erin Gilbert: Please answer. Please.

Erin Gilbert: Even Holtzmann. Please someone?

Erin Gilbert: I've had a few drinks I'm sorry Abby I just wanted to talk to you

Erin Gilbert: I'll stop now. Happy holidays Abby and Holtzmann

Erin Gilbert: I miss you Abby

Erin Gilbert: I miss us

Erin Gilbert: Goodnight, I'll leave you alone now.

"Could I have possibly read that correctly?" Abby asked herself. She took a moment to process everything Erin said, even if she was drunk.

Facebook message:

Abby L. Yates: It's Abby. I'll meet with you. Let's talk. Sober, okay? I'm not telling Holtzmann. This doesn't involve her, just tell me where to meet you.

Abby pressed send before she could even realize what she'd just said. She felt so, so wrong for saying she wouldn't tell Holtzmann... and actually not telling Holtz. What Holtz doesn't know can't her hurt, right? Abby swallowed hard and stuffed her phone in her flannel pajama pocket.

Abby took a deep breath and tried to just move on with her day regularly, as if that didn't just happen. She started preparing breakfast, all of Holtzmann's favorites-- bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes (slightly raw in the middle,) and ever so slightly burnt toast.

"What's the occasion?" Holtz asked as she sleepily stumbled into the kitchen. "Smells great in here by the way."

"I can't tell if that's sarcasm or a compliment, but thank you anyway," Abby smirked. "No occasion though, you just had a rough night. We both did, so I decided to make you a little treat."

"Aren't you just the sweetest," Holtz grinned and walked up behind Abby, wrapping her in a hug and planting a small kiss on the back of her head. "I'm lucky to have you."

Abby smiled and turned around from the stove, "No, I'm the lucky one. You handled that situation with Erin better than I ever could have, Holtzy. Thank you for that."

"You don't have to thank me for sticking up for you."

"Yes I do and I did," Abby kissed Holtz's lips lightly and quickly, "Now go sit down so I can serve you breakfast!"

Holtz did as told and sat down at the little kitchen table and waited for Abby to bring her breakfast around. "So later on today, I'm gonna go out. Just walk around, maybe stop at a park or something, to get some fresh air to take my mind off things. Do you mind?"

"Do whatever you need to," Holtz smiled in the most supportive way she could. "I'll be here when you get back."

"Thanks, Holtzy. I just wanna spend some time alone and think about some stuff. I'm glad you understand," Abby was satisfied that Holtz didn't seem to mind her wanting to leave alone. She didn't question it, she just served Holtz her breakfast and sat down at the table across from her with her own plate of food. "Bon appetit!"

About an hour later Abby and Holtz had finished breakfast, but stayed in the kitchen, sitting at the table talking. It was something they regularly did, just not usually so early in the day.

"I'm gonna go take a shower before I head out," Abby smiled as she collected the plates from the table and left them in the sink to wash later.

"Oh, you're still going out?" Holtz looked slightly confused but stopped her thought. "Never mind, go ahead. Enjoy your alone time," She said with a smile as she walked into the bedroom to put some clothes on.

Abby got a weird feeling from what Holtz had just said, but she decided to ignore it and go about her day the way she originally planned. While Abby was getting ready to jump into the shower, she finally got a response from Erin.

Facebook Message:

Erin Gilbert: Today? If so, can you meet me in the little coffee shop just to the right of Central Park? I'll be there at 4, I hope to see you there.

"I guess this is really happening," Abby whispered to herself, putting the phone down and getting in the shower. Everything was tossing around in Abby's mind, she couldn't believe she was really going to meet up with Erin. So much happened, and out of it, she ended up on the best possible side of the situation-- she met Holtzmann.

After Abby got out of the shower, she got dressed in some clothes that probably looked much nicer than someone who was just going for a walk. She did her hair, she even put on some makeup. Abby tried to leave before Holtz could see her.

"I'll see you later, Holtzy. I have my phone if you need to reach me, okay?" Abby said from the door as she was halfway out of it already. "Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone."

Abby shut the door behind her and let out a big sigh. She unlocked her phone and read Erin's message again. She's going to be at the coffee shop at 4... It's only 3, but Abby knew Erin would be there early. They both would.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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