My Favorite day ever!

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I was with my sister at her friends birthday party. We were all hanging out. There only a year younger than me, 

let's call my sisters' friend Katie they were gonna watch some Chick flick (I'm not really into that)

Katie's older brother Kyle asked if I wanted to watch the "Pirates of the Caribbean" with him

I agreed. We sat down and started to watch the movie it got boring fast. About half way through

I started thinking kyle has been really flirty lately and being the idiot I am I asked him!

He just looked at me and said 'watch the movie' I was horrified what have I just done

did I just ruin a relationship with one of my best friends!!!

The movie ended and I went home my sister ended up staying the night.

The next day

 my mom and I were going to pick up my sister from her friend Katie's' house,

on the way, we got a text that said meet us at Park instead. 

We started to drive to the park and when we got there the girls were already playing so kyle and

 I were hanging out when my mom yelled out for us that it was time to go I

Was about to run to the car when I noticed Kyle grabbed my arm and said "me too" and first I 

was lost then I got it it was my answer for what I asked him last night!!!

                                              Over the next few weeks

I noticed Kyle was ignoring me at church I wasn't sure why but I was going over to his house 

later because our sisters were gonna hang out.

As soon as I got there my sister ran off to find Katie. So I went to find kyle, the first placed I

 looked was in his room,sure enough he was laying on his bed playing on his phone. 

I walked over to him and sat down near his legs and he said "You know you don't have to sit all the way down there right?)

I nodded and went and laid next to him on his bed we laid there and cuddled for hours.

I cuddled up next to him and asked him why he was avoiding me and his answer was

"I don't want anyone getting suspicious" I was kinda hurt I said why don't you want anyone to know?

He looked down at me hugging me tighter and said "my parents can't find out"

I kinda understood so I let it go.

Later on, we heard footsteps coming up and I got up from his tight grip and so did he

we sat on the couch so his sister and mine wouldn't find out,

the footsteps stopped he army crawled to the door to listen I shortly followed.

They left and i was in the army crawl position when Kyle thought he would flip me over and pin 

me to the floor then tickle me, he accomplished his mission and made me laugh so hard 

I was gasping for air and telling him to stop tickling me. To my surprise, he did stop and pin me 

against the carpet on my back, he said "I'll let you up if you say I'm the best boyfriend ever 

aaaaaaaaaannnnnnndddd" I cut off his exaggerated and to say spit it out and he said 

only if you kiss me first I rolled my eyes and leaned be head up as far as I could and kissed him, 

he let me go the second my lips touched his and I wrapped my arms around his neck and the I

                    pulled away and then we headed downstairs for dinner.

After dinner, we headed back up to his room and cuddled on the couch for a while then my dad

came to pick my sister and I up, I was kinda bummed I wanted to stay embraced by kyles strong 

                     arms forever I kissed him goodbye and ran outside

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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