3 AM Coffee Break

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"Alright," He sighed. I could hear his office chair tilt back as he rests his shoulders for a second. "Coffee break!" He stood up from his desk beside mine.

"Sure, let me just finish typing-" Out of nowhere, his fingers pressed Crtl S on my keyboard from behind me.

"Alright let's go." He said as he rolled my chair towards the table in the middle of the small office. He went to the cupboard and grabbed two mugs.

I stood up to grab the jar of sugar and some milk from the fridge while Paul poured coffee into the mugs. We sat down in front of each other. He looked at me before raising his mug as if making a toast.

"Be careful it's-" too late.

"Ow! Pftpft!" He spitted out the hot, bitter liquid, choking a little.

I handed him a towel and gave him some time to calm down. During this, I added a little bit of sugar and cold milk on my mug and stirred everything together.

"Here, give me that." I took his mug before he could refuse and slid mine to his hands.

As I stood up to dunk the remnants of his coffee to the sink, I thought to myself, idiot, you never liked straight black coffee.

"Mmm." He took a sip and his eyes closed in pure bliss. "You know me so well." He smiled.

"Of course I do. Even though you're the worst person ever." I looked back at him before making my own tea.

"Hey." He whined playfully, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What? You think Hillary Clinton's terrible? At least she pays everyone who works for her. Unlike somebody." I sat down in front of him again, pouring some milk to my Earl Grey.

"Oh my god, I did it again. Why didn't you remind me?" He laughed at his own stupidity.

"No, no. It's the bosses responsibility." I said taking a sip from my mug. "I deserve a raise if not a promotion." I joked. "Employee of the month." I smiled smugly. Drilling to his conscience.

"I'm such a terrible boss." He cupped his face, realizing what he's done, or not done. I've been working for him for almost half a year now, and he's only given me my monthly salary twice.

"To think that I even spend my own money for your dry cleaning when I can't afford my own washer... Tsktsktsk." I really could've told him though. It's not entirely his fault, and he and I know that. But I really didn't mind since I know he's gonna end up paying me more than he would've.

"Wow. Okay." He was now speechless. I should really tell him not to worry, but I'm gonna eat his soul instead.

"Do you know how many hours I keep my heating system on? Zero. I sleep with three sweaters on." I stabbed more. Before he hired me, he was a lone wolf. He only had to look after himself. That's why I understand why he sometimes forget that I'm here. I was his first employee, his only contributing researcher, so he's not used to following a strict workday schedule, e.i. regular lunch time and work hours. Who stays in an office until 3:00 in the morning?! "I hate you. You know that?" I couldn't help the smile growing on my face. I know it's a serious subject but I really could care less. I'm a daughter of a rich businessman so money is the least bit of my concerns.

"Awe, I know how much you love me. I love you too." He joked, finally realizing that I was only fake hurting.

"Of course I do you, idiot. If I didn't, I would've left a long time ago." I looked at him with the smuggest look I could do to make it seem like I was only joking. But god knows I wasn't.

He looked at me chuckling. "Okay, okay. I'll transfer everything to your account tomorrow, or later today."

He didn't even notice. Okay.

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