Shadows overhead

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Sakura could see the two bodies advancing at her. They had made it in good time. But they must have over did it, cause they made it in four hours flat...

"ah, Sakura. Causing trouble by yourself again" he gave her a warm smile and suddenly she missed her team all over again. She had a sudden urge to hug the wood style ANBU, but stopped herself. It took one look from Tenten and she wanted to just get on and find the cure. She could see that from Tenten's face, she just wanted to get it over and done with. But if you didnt know Tenten, you would not be able to identify the anguish. Before Sakura left, Tentens face was spun into multiple hurt emotions. And now she seemed like ordinary Tenten, the weapons master.

"We will camp out for tonight. We start our search earily in the morning tomorrow. Sakura! Brief us now of what you have found out so far."

"Yes. Well, I tested the area for air samples and the geographical position, seeing as it has changed after the battle. And well, intrestingly enough I have found nothing except for unidentifiable toxic gas, beyond even the scrolls understanding," she pointed at the jumbled scroll on the floor. Kanji sprawlled all over it. "And no land traces beyond our point. So what I think is that this gas must be controlled by chakra to be able to deflect chakra run scrolls. And to move into that battle field we need a jutsu that will filter the air around us. And I was hoping you had something in mind, Yamato."

Yamato starred at the setting sun, that was turning bright red at the rim. This was proving more and more dangerous. And as much as he didnt want to take the two girls through that battle field, they were legal adults now and jounin on that account. He sighed.

"I can use moktuon (wood style) to filter the air around us. But seeing as the gas can have so much effect on chakra manupilated jutsu's looks like my tree's wont hold for longer than ten second at most. My chakr reserves will be used up very quickly. So we will need to know exatly what we are looking for and not go in blindly. Seems like this mission is gonna take us more than a few goes..."

"No its easy. Just look for signs of life in a deserted land. Anything will stand out, right? Because the only life in there will have to be the one thing emmiting it."


Tenten couldnt sleep. She felt so stuffy in her sleeping bag. She moved around as quietly as she could, as not to wake up anyone. She could hear Yamato's content snors, and feel Sakura's calm chkra raidiating. But she could also feel her crazy one. Her chakra was so unstable right now, moving along with her mixed emotions. Lee's words played over and over..

You wouldnt do the same.....

Ask youself.....

Why are you doing this......

And her train of thoughts banged onto a brick wall yetagain. She couldnt think for answer. Wherever she looked inside of her, she couldnt find an answer. She started remembering the words Kurunai sensei instilled inside her.

"I know how you must feel. But as much feelings as you have towards him, it all ends with if he has feelings towards you. He is a Hyuuga, and marrying into the right families is important matter. Not something to be played with."

This was five years ago, where she was all childish about looks and personalities. Now she knew she was over it, but it was all surfacing in a weird way...a more older way...

She cleared her mind again. All these stupid feelings will go again as soon as Neji was cured. They were here only because she was panicking. It will be all normal again once he was on the battle field, his serious Hyuuga face on, fighting and beating every enemy in his path, now and then pooping in to aid Tenten. She wanted those times back very bad, when all her childish feelings for him disappeared, and it was team Gai again, Lee and Neji, her brothers, and Gai sensei her rather weird master.

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