The fighting strong city

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After the long row of questioning done by no other than Neji, he had decided to bring the old man, known as Kuzaki, along, then lead him to the neighbouring allies village with the rest of the escapee's.

"So what now? Approach without no back up?"

Kiba was anticipating the attack, but even he now understood the danger included. This was a war, and if there wasn't, they would have had 20 ANBU family geniuses from the beginning of the mission.

"We have to give it a try. But it needs detailed planning and infiltration of that camp for at least a week."

"We are going to infiltrate? For a week? Wont we get caught by that time?"

"Not if we keep to the plan."

"Psht. Wishful thinking..."

Tenten could feel the tensions again.

"Kiba, looks like you're gonna have to be a dog, since nothing else will work!"

Kiba gave her a dirty look before pouncing on her branch to reach her. As they were constantly on the move, it was quiet hard. Luckily, Akamaru had Kuzaki ojii-san on his back, so Kiba was on his own.

"For once, Kiba is playing a fair game without the aid of Akamaru! Therefore I shall join even though I always beat him, with Akamaru!"

Kiba growled at Lee and was about to charge, Lee's eyes glittering back nearly inviting Kiba to go full on, but then Neji's voice echoed from the front.

"There is a little settlement town, according to Kuzaki-san, which is the closest to the camp. But most dangerous because prison wardens often go there for drinks, staying out and prostituites, so we will have to keep switching chakra hidden levels."

Akamaru was jumping branches next to Neji a few yards in front, with Kuzaki ojji-san on his back looking healthier, the colour in his skin slowly recovering.

"What your comrade says is true. If you wish to infiltrate the camp, I can give you a general idea, but I cant go any further than the small town..."

Everyone contemplated the plan. It was going to be difficult and risky. And very chakra consuming.

After a few minute, the sun was slowly setting and the orange sky quickly turned blue. Then a few miles in front of them, touring lights were playing the background.

"There it is!"

Lee squinted as to read the giant billboard on the top.

"Yo-yogo-yogorita. Yogorita, ko-ko-koko-kokora"

Everyone was silenced by the lights and the billboards and people as they came closer. It was like this town was in a world of its own... No war, no worries, no deaths, no starvations. Just partying and having fun.

People chimed to the sequenced lights, loud drunken shouts heard all around, squeaky girly laughters, and drunken fights.

It was your typical tourist city. But everyone thought those long gone. And everyone was as equally surprised by it.

"Do not worry. They know the brutality of the war, alright. They are the most effected by it! Every singly person here has at least one close-to-heart person in the camp right now."

Kuzaki-san looked towards the direction of the city, the lights emitting from the city reflecting sadness in his eyes.

If they do indeed have a very special person in that camp right now, why do they look so care-free...

As if reading her mind, Kuzaki spoke once again.

"The gang orders them to act like this. Because this safe facade has kept the greater villages from inspecting this area for the gang. And they have to work along otherwise they either kill them, or force them to kill their loved ones and kill themselves."

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