Tuesday- My Bedroom

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I am really bad at remembering things. Like, terrible. It's probably why I do so bad in the math tests they make us do at school (and nothing to do with me daydreaming all the time like my teacher, Mr. Notch, likes to say). It was only this morning when I looked out my window and saw Donny and his gang hanging around outside (and preparing to yell at me again) that I remembered that I had undeniable proof that I wasn't a dork! I had found diamonds in the mine! I just needed to show them to Donny and he would leave me alone forever.

I went downstairs and opened my front door, expecting to hear the usual chant of "Steve is a dork!" and so on, but instead I saw that Donny and his gang were distracted by something else.

As I got closer, I saw that it was someone else.

"Leave him alone!" shouted Alex.

This, of course, only made them more excited. "What are you going to do about it?" Donny sneered at her. "Your dad couldn't even run a mine without ruining it. How are you any better than that failure?"

As Alex flushed red and mumbled under her breath, anger boiled inside me. I realized just how awful Donny was. I looked at the diamond in my hand and made a decision, one with possibly disastrous consequences.

"Alex!" I shouted, opening my front garden gate. "I'm glad you're here."

Donny's evil grin got even wider when he saw it was me, and then they started chanting again: "Dorky Steve is a dork!"

I rolled my eyes. They really needed to think of something better to say.

"Sorry, Steve," Alex said. "I tried to get them to stop."

Donny and his gang moved closer, surrounding us. Something inside me told me to run or scream or try to get away. Instead I decided to learn from Alex: I laughed in the face of danger. I laughed loud and hard.

Donny and his gang stopped chanting. They looked at each other. "What's so funny, dork?" Donny asked.

I shrugged. "You are."

Donny's face flushed red. "What did you say?"

I took a step forward. "I said you are, Donny. I might be a dork, but at least I have friends."

"You are a dork!" said Donny...but it wasn't as loud as before.

"I am," I nodded. "But she isn't." I looked at Alex. She smiled at me. "She is the bravest person I know. Did you know she jumped off a cliff without knowing what was at the bottom? And fought spiders? And saved me more times than I can count?"

Donny folded his arms. "So? You're still a dork!"

I grinned. "She also found this."

That was when I showed it to them. The round diamond, light blue in the palm of my hand, sparkling in the light.

Donny's eyes widened. "Is that..."

"Steve..." Alex began.

"Yep," I said. "It's a diamond. Alex's diamond from her father's mine. Not much of a failure if you ask me." I handed the diamond to Alex. She looked down at it and smiled.

 She looked down at it and smiled

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"Dorky Steve is a..." Donny began again.

"Yes, a dork, I know," I finished it for him. "But at least I have friends. And with friends like Alex, it doesn't matter, because with her around, I know we can face anything. If it's zombies, skeletons, bats..." I looked at Freddy and he flinched. "Or just a group of bullies who have nothing better to do than ruin people's days." I shook my head at Donny.

Donny was silent. He didn't know what to say.

Freddy spoke for him. "Hey, Donny...let's go. These guys ain't worth it."

Donny looked like he was about to explode. His eyes widened and his face bulged until, finally, he calmed down.

"Fine," he said. "These dorks are boring anyway." With that, he turned and walked off, taking his gang with him.

I stood for a while, watching them go, right until they were out of sight.

"Wow, Steve," Alex said. "That was..."

I flopped to the ground. "OH GOD, I'M GOING TO DIE!" I said. "WHAT DID I JUST DO???!"

Alex laughed and helped me stand up. "You're all right, for a dork." She grinned.

My hands were trembling. "Do you want somecake?" I asked her.   

Diary of a Minecraft Dork Steve (With Pictures!)Where stories live. Discover now